The VP Debate::

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Very good debate, but I give the nod to Joe since he had facts- and Ryan was more talk with no specifics- anyone noticed how much Water Ryan was drinking?????

Way to Go Joe- based on blogs Twitter and other Social network sites- the DEMS are energized again!!!!!
I'm pissed I missed a half of a NFL football game. That was BS.
Joe did fan fucking tastic! Couldn't be happier and man was that an intense fiery debate!
tttalinky's Avatar
I would give both men a wash on the VP debate on facts and bullshit........But it scares me to death how much of a loose cannon Joe Biden is! To be #2 in line for the most important job on the planet it is really scary how much of a dud ole Joe is! I pray nothing happens to President Obama over the next three months and this whacko is put in charge of our great country. This debate makes me want to flush the Obama/Biden ticket down the shitter!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This exposed Ryan for the bullshit artist he is. How can anybody listen to him or Romney and feel like they give a fuck about America?

Ryan's bullshit is eclipsed only by his voting record in Congress.
Any bit of gain the Repubs had with women they lost tonight.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Biden was a braying jackass

wellendowed1911's Avatar
This exposed Ryan for the bullshit artist he is. How can anybody listen to him or Romney and feel like they give a fuck about America?

Ryan's bullshit is eclipsed only by his voting record in Congress. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The line of the night was when Ryan was talking how Obama wasted money on the stimulus bill and then Joe Biden said(Joe's words paraphrased): " you wrote me 2 letters asking me to give your state stimulus money so it could create jobs... Oh the look on Ryan's face was priceless!!!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This was just the beginning. Ryan is a punk ass bitch. Romney will not be allowed to bully the crowd in the townhall debate. Obama will call BULLSHIT on the bullshit.

Ryan talked about death panels. Kiss of death.
This exposed Ryan for the bullshit artist he is. How can anybody listen to him or Romney and feel like they give a fuck about America?

Ryan's bullshit is eclipsed only by his voting record in Congress. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I thought Ryan performed as well as he could but Biden was clearly the elder statesman and had much better command of his facts. I watched both of the 2012 debates from start to finish and this one was almost as weighted toward Biden as the last one was weighted toward Romney. I believe Biden opened up several attack lines for Obama to use against Romney in the next two debates. But Obama will have to bring his A game to the next two debates as opposed to the D game that he brought to the last one.

After two debates I would still give a slight advantage to Romney/Ryan but the gap was narrowed considerably tonight!

Biden's best moment: Detailing Ryan's personal request for stimulus money to be used in Wisconsin. Ryan's expression was priceless. It was almost like he was thinking, "Damn, I was hoping Joe wouldn't remember that I sent him that letter."
Biden's worst moment: He didn't give a clear enough answer about Iran's nuclear cpability.

Ryan's best moment: He gave a very good closing statement and spoke directly to the televised audience.
Ryan's worst moment: He fumbled the ball on foreign policy to the extent that he was finally forced to admit that he agrees with the Obama Administrations handling of Syria.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I thought Ryan performed as well as he could but Biden was clearly the elder statesman and had much better command of his facts. I watched both of the 2012 debates from start to finish and this one was almost as weighted toward Biden as the last one was weighted toward Romney.

After two debates I would still give a slight advantage to Romney/Ryan but the gap was narrowed considerably tonight! Originally Posted by bigtex
I somewhat agree Tex but just believe that Ryan didnt have specifics- he avoided the question about the 20% and where the specific cuts would be- and Joe had him against the wall- when Ryan screwed up and said "We don't have enough troops in the East of Afghanistan fighting and it was mistake to draw doen- Joe responded that's because we have replaced those troops with Afghan troops- Ryan took the bait and went back to the question and said we shouldn't have drawn down the troops during the fighting season- Joe responded would you rather have Americans fighting or Afghan troops fighting(oh the look on Ryan''s face).

This was a good day for the DEMS- Ryan didn''t do horrible but I feel he lost out on this one.
This debate was so tight it squeaked. For this debate to have any real lasting impact on voters, especially undecideds one of them would have had to been steamrolled and that didn't happen. For the most part I call it a draw.
tttalinky's Avatar
Joe Biden sounded like a used car salesman without anything to sell. My guess is ........ over the next few weeks main stream Americans will be put off by Joe laughing, smurking and acting like he was back in junior high school debate class. Al Gore made the same facial motions just a few times during his debate with Geo. W. Bush and it cost him the election. Time wil tell.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Joe Biden sounded like a used car salesman without anything to sell. My guess is ........ over the next few weeks main stream Americans will be put off by Joe laughing, smurking and acting like he was back in junior high school debate class. Al Gore made the same facial motions just a few times during his debate with Geo. W. Bush and it cost him the election. Time wil tell. Originally Posted by tttalinky

You know, when Biden appealed to senior citizens to use their common sense, he hit it out of the park. And when Ryan couldn't defend himself on his tax proposals, he had me smirking, too.

Oh yeah, and we'll ALL know that Gore's facial expressions cost him the election!

cptjohnstone's Avatar

Anybody who is laughing during Ryan's responses and his other responses is running scared

and when Ryan says Biden sometimes says things he did not mean to say...what an idiot

I will admit he did better than el Dumbo