What = a "regular"

For the ladies:
How often does a guy have to see you before you would consider him a regular? Is it even based on how often? Or just how many times total?

I assume y'all prefer regulars...for guys who can hobby roughly once a month and might want to explore around the playground and cycle back to you a couple times per year - is that pretty much treated like a new client each time? Help me out here, I'm struggling with the balance here bc I have a handful of ladies I really want to see but I really want to repeat the ones I have seen. Better get another scratch off ticket I guess!

For the guys:
What do YOU consider regular? Monthly? 2-3 times a year? Just seeing the same girl more than once? Just curious
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Everyone has their own definition. I doubt you'll be considered "new" if you saw the girl once before...unless she just really doesn't remember you at all
I don't know how the ladies see it but here's my perspective. There are 6 - 7 ladies here I have seen multiple times - and 1 new one (to me) that is being added soon to that stellar group. On average, I only get a couple of hobby ops each month, some months zero. I also see traveling ladies that catch my eye and we sometimes get some very fine ones passing through. I enjoy the variety available in the hobby (who doesn't?). So if I see a lady 2 - 3 times a year, I consider myself a regular. But for all I know, that's not even close to how providers might view it.

Edit - DR just told me I wouldn't qualify as a regular with her, so there's at least one lady who has a different definition.
Multiple times a month, wow.

I imagine most ladies have a handful of guys who see ONLY that one provider.

What watchout says makes sense to me. 2-3 or more times per year means I'm turning down the rest of the variety to come back pretty frequently, but time simply wouldn't allow me to see a girl monthly+ unless I was a one woman man.
If if I see a provider once a month I consider my self a regular.but I really don't want too see anyone provider more than once a month.1 provider I have reviewed 3 times and seen more than 6 times in 2 years,told me point blank she didn't consider me a regular.that's cool with me,besides she is high volume and doesn't need my cash anyway.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I say a regular is someone who has seen me for a long period of time no matter how many times he sees me. I still have regulars from when I first started. They come around every now and then but they never go anywhere for too long. I love my regulars
BD has a good point. We might also consider how many times we have seen each other. In my case, with the ladies I consider regulars, that ranges from 4 - 7 times, with most at 5 - 6 times.
i think it differs from a hobbist point of view if you are only able to hobby say 6 times a year and you see the same girl 2 times you might consider her a reg, for me if i see you more than once i consdier you a reg not that i would consider me that from thier point of view, personally i got into the hobby to avoid a reg thing, to me if i wanted to see the same person alot id get married, now if i were a provider i would consider someone a reg if i could say ok ill see so and such on a basis i could count thier donation into my monthly total, just imop,
splitlog's Avatar
I've seen mine 83 times now. Yeah sometimes more than once a week.
I'v e probably seen 30-40 different girls. Some I have seen 8-10 times.

It will seem strange but I like seeing one girl and getting more and more comfortable emotionally and sexually, but the trouble is, even when you think you are becoming BFFs, they all eventually flake or disappear.

The flake outs really disappoint me the most. Had one almost UTR beauty who I saw 6 times, 3x for 2hr dates. Then she started NCNS, making excuses, not answering texts. There was nothing strange, freaky or odd about any previous encounter. I thought I was just getting good regular fun and she was getting cash and tips with a reliable client.

My advice is don't count on only one girl or try to make any one a regular. You probably need 3 regulars that you see on a rotating basis so that you can actually schedule and apt and have it kept when one starts flaking out. It will happen.

My .02
hogmanjones's Avatar
I hobby about 3-4 times a month. I rarely review the same girl twice, but most of the girls I've reviewed I've seen multiple times. I like the familiarity of regulars (and I have about 4-5 I try to see as often as I can) but also like the new experiences. I've had several ladies refer to me as a regular, the ones that might reach out to you when they're not advertising. So I think to each his own as to whether it's the number of visits or just the consistency.
LongLeggedLexi's Avatar
To me at least once a month is regular
  • MrGiz
  • 12-02-2015, 05:28 PM
I don't know how the ladies see it but here's my perspective. There are 6 - 7 ladies here I have seen multiple times - and 1 new one (to me) that is being added soon to that stellar group. On average, I only get a couple of hobby ops each month, some months zero. I also see traveling ladies that catch my eye and we sometimes get some very fine ones passing through. I enjoy the variety available in the hobby (who doesn't?). So if I see a lady 2 - 3 times a year, I consider myself a regular. But for all I know, that's not even close to how providers might view it.

Edit - DR just told me I wouldn't qualify as a regular with her, so there's at least one lady who has a different definition. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
I think I have probably been in the hobby quite a bit longer than WOTGIR, so some of the numbers might be a little different... but his definition matches my history to a tee!!
TechOne's Avatar
I'm faithful to just one provider...honest...never straying...always wanting more...til I see another and decide to be faithful to her, too.

But then...everyday is a new day!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Edit - DR just told me I wouldn't qualify as a regular with her, so there's at least one lady who has a different definition. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Please Note - I edited my original post