A Special Thank You

Trinity Kane's Avatar
I just want to say a special thank you to RJinLR. I was stood up today in Little Rock after driving all the way up here from hot springs and left out in the cold owing money to s friend for my gas instead of holding up his end of the bargain. After reading the alert I placed RJ sent me a pm offering to meet and give me the gas money back until he is able to schedule with me. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your kindness. I'll am going to be here for a while now with hopes of scheduling something tonight and it is nice to know that even if I don't get an appointment I will still be able to pay my debt back to my friend. So thank you one again.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
RJinLR that was very sweet of you!
Glad you're ok Trinity!
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Thank you girl. I'm more stressed than anything. Im praying to God that someone will book an outcalls or work with me to provide an incall. Right now RJinLR is my hero and I'm going to be forever grateful for what he is doing tonight
RJinLR is one of my favorites! I love seeing him!!
hogmanjones's Avatar
Sometimes, being a white knight is a nice thing to do. A little kindness can go a long way.
RJinLR. a great thing to due much respect.
See your pm
RJinLR, you are awesome!!!! So sweet and very kind. Thank you for caring about others & offering your assistance. I'm very impressed. In a world filled with people who seem to mostly care just about themselves, your actions are beyond refreshing. Inspirational!
Well I wasn't looking for props. Just helping a person having a bad day. But thanks for the kind words. Pay it forward.
Well I wasn't looking for props. Just helping a person having a bad day. But thanks for the kind words. Pay it forward. Originally Posted by RJinLR
Well, you may not have asked for recognition or even expected it, but you certainly deserve it. I would much rather be in your shoes that I would Spermans! Lol
Everyone in this world acts like they got to where they were 100% on their own. Everyone is a self made man (or woman).

Truth is NONE of us did it alone. We have all had a ton of help in our lives. I have had some days where I needed someone to really help me out so I could get by.

I'm honestly surprised I'm not catching shit for being soft or naive...maybe y'all aren't as cynical as I thought!
RJinLR is one of my favorites! I love seeing him!! Originally Posted by Lolahhhhh
Trying to think of the last time my ego was this inflated...

Thanks girl
I am going to take TK's word on this because people I respect here tell me her word is good. I don't know TK but I think she runs an honest business. I thought that was huge of you to help a lady just getting back to biz after she got jilted out of time and money by a fucking asshole.