Review counts/totals

So how come the variance in showing how many reviews a guy has here? I logged on yesterday and under my post count, it said 95 reviews. Today...nothing.
Ditto. All but one of my reviews disappeared this morning.
CG2014's Avatar
I think they are removing them since they are now called encounters and not reviews.

But if you had any PA credit that you racked up from posting them prior to the site going on hiatus, they should still be there.

To see when your PA expires:

Click USER CP on top of right column (under MAIN MENU).

In the new page that opens, on the left column (under YOUR CONTROL PANEL), click PAID SUBSCRIPTION

Line on top of the new page that opens under ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS you will see

Premium Access (Male Only) start date and expiry date
Chung Tran's Avatar
same here.. seems like those of us who have submitted an "encounter" only show that number, no reviews.. the guys who have not submitted an encounter show all their previous reviews.
same here.. seems like those of us who have submitted an "encounter" only show that number, no reviews.. the guys who have not submitted an encounter show all their previous reviews. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Chung, I don't think it's true that people who have submitted an "encounter" get reset. I haven't submitted one, and I just realized that all of my old "reviews" are gone. Yesterday I had 46.

I also noticed this:

Yesterday, that list had more names on it (Like Daaaman), I believe they are deleting all the reviews, and it may take time for everyone's count to be back to 0.
CG2014's Avatar
It doesn't matter if you have submitted an encounters report or not since the site's return.

Every guy's reviews are getting deleted.
Agree with the Slubster. I think the eccie staff got the site to a point they were comfy launching it, but they still are in the process of cleaning up things. Old reviews appear to have not made the cut. Which makes sense when you consider what a monumental task it would be to remove certain bits of info and almost all pics. Easier to just start fresh.

With that said, there still is no rule against submitting old encounters/reviews right? I may just resubmit my old ones under the new format just to have them lying around. No big deal to me that they won’t get me any premium access credit.
All of mine are gone now
I3ig I3ear's Avatar
I understand that the old reviews need to go away, however I strongly disagree with the review count (the actual number) going away. In many cases, the number of review a member has is a determining factor for screening and also provides the ladies an idea of a members tenure with the site and provides them with a level of comfort. If everyone is going to be dropped back to newbie status, this creates a free for all as the ladies wont know an active tenured member from a silent long time lurker. Join date means nothing if there is no "body of work" shown. This would be like reviewing a persons resume that only says "I worked here from this date to that date but offers no detail of what they did there.
With that said, there still is no rule against submitting old encounters/reviews right? I may just resubmit my old ones under the new format just to have them lying around. No big deal to me that they won’t get me any premium access credit. Originally Posted by jimballs12
I don’t believe this will fly. You were supposed to submit a review no later than 30 days after the encounter, if I remember. Might be worth a try, though. Wish I had known they were going to do this. Would have liked to copy some of ‘em.

Yeah...we’re all newbies again.
CG2014's Avatar
That's not going to work.

I submitted a couple of reviews that were over 30 days old before the site went down and they were not accepted and if my memory still serves me correctly, they were also sent to the trash bin.
That’s interesting. Over the years, I’ve seen numerous old reviews submitted. None were “accepted” from a premium access credit standpoint, but all were tied to their respective posters’ accounts. My impression of the old rules was that the 30 day rule was in regards to gaining premium access, not that it meant you couldn’t submit something past that timeframe. No real way to check anymore since the forum and guidelines have gone the way of the dodo bird. Oh well.

On a different note, has anyone noticed that our deleted reviews are still tied to the ladies’ accounts? I’m assuming those will go bye bye as well. Just found it curious.