The Logan Act

What'll be his defense for breaking a 225 year old law, signed in to law by the second President of the United States?

What'll be his defense for breaking a 225 year old law, signed in to law by the second President of the United States? Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
He's the leader of a cult. It doesn't matter one iota to any of his dipshit voters how many laws he breaks.
Yep. He is running for president only so that he can avoid jail time.

Thankfully, he isn't going to win legitimately.
... The story is a LIE - the woman from PBS just RETRACTED it.

... Them's the breaks, lads... ...

#### Salty
... Blimey! ... crickets in here.


... I state it again - the story was a Reuter's and Axios LIE.
And the PBS lady RETRACTED IT.

Somebody surely owes Trump a good apology.

#### Salty
Wouldn’t surprise me but this looks like bad reporting.
... Thanks for the comment, Char...

... I believe it was a flat-out LIE... As the liberal news media
constantly seem in a hurry to make up whatever lies the want.
(Hunter's laptop being Fake, Trump colluding with Russia)

So much for the "Logan Act" and this phony story. ...

#### Salty
Just wait. He'll still get locked up. No private citizen should even be at the point where they can have diplomatic calls with heads of state. Former presidents not excluded. Trump will get his just deserts.

Although I appreciate the thread bumps to follow up, I have it in my mind to do it for every other bullcrap Trump thread, but that would end up being thread necro and you guys wouldn't answer anyway