The trolling didn't take long

Folks, I think most of you are terrific people, so I am going to say something you probably already know but may need to hear again. I'm NOT telling you how to run your business or personal affairs.

Trolls feed off of attention. Without attention, they starve. You're only giving them a good feeling and upsetting yourself when you respond to them. Save yourself the trouble and just ignore them. I don't recommend blocking them, a mod once told me blocking them only prevents you from seeing their posts, but that they can still see and reply to yours. Just starve them out!

Have a great weekend!
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  • IQ160
  • 07-12-2018, 05:36 PM
Yep. The best advice on these posters is "Don't FEED the trolls!!"

Unfortunately, most people can't resist the temptation to respond to them, especially if the troll hits a hot button and the target has the itch to respond to or insult the troll.
The easy part is to correctly identify the actual trolls. Some who visit our community are wannabe trolls simply working on their post count in hopes of being recognized as an official member of the troll community by the others.

Those others who have such pathetic lives that accumulating tens of thousand of posts on a SHMB is seen as a badge of service to the forums for sharing their wisdom and teaching the rest of us how to do things!

Sadly for them, they aren't actual trolls yet, and likely never will be.

The advice is sound nonetheless; don't feed the trolls or the wannabes!

Remember, "tailgating" has a completely different meaning in Texas!