Older gents with younger ladies! OR older lady with younger guy?
Just wanted to know opinions on it? Lets say 50+ with a young lady in her very early 20's? My opinion is that I have NO problem with it and I love the mature gents for MANY reason, the way they normally treat you, their understanding, their maturity, their experience and on and on.So when or if you saw a young lady with an older gent would you be like "hell yeah good for him" or " be like wtf hell naw" lol. AND lets even flip it and what if the lady was 50+ and the guy early 20's. Just some fun interesting stuff to talk about

I'm a guy in my 60s and have been with both much younger ladies, those much closer to my age and all in between. Most of the young ones were distracted and rushed. The ladies closer to my age were more attentive, not rushed and actually spent more time that initially agreed upon.
Just my two cents worth.
- rico7
- 05-30-2024, 11:22 AM
I'm obviously no youngster and have a head full of quite white hair. I was staying at the Wynn in Las Vegas and had to go downstairs to meet a friend in the lobby as they check for room keys to use the elevators. The "young" woman visiting me was a well endowed DDG Asian gal wearing a tight low cut floral dress, tall stiletto heels, and a breathtaking sight to behold! On one hand she certainly could have been more discrete in her choice of attire, however this girl was so amazingly hot that I couldn't wait to get her to my room, and there was no doubt I was the envy of every man who watched us walk by. A middle aged woman joined us in the elevator only to stare and frown her conspicuous disapproval at our presence together. I savored every minute! Livin' La Vida Loca, Vegas Baby!