Jay Jay now Retired?

I texted Jay Jay the other day and she told me "Sorry Im retired now". I sure miss CIM with her...
I texted her over the weekend and she didn't mention it
I texted her over the weekend and she didn't mention it Originally Posted by Jaberwabee
She texted me last week didnt mention anything either
Maybe she just retired from Kana Asuka..?

Hope she’s doing well.
You got girls who say their retiring or moving next thing you they’re back in a couple of weeks.
Lube you talking about your ATF??????
No Originally Posted by Lubeman
Lube do ya ever get tired of that?
Jus askin...lol
  • BNF2
  • 04-14-2021, 08:55 AM
She contacted me last week. Never mentioned retiring.
Lube do ya ever get tired of that?
Jus askin...lol Originally Posted by BigDeal
No I don’t mind. Playa is cool.
She is NOT retired
I spoke to her today not retired
She is NOT retired Originally Posted by whatstheplay
I spoke to her today not retired Originally Posted by BigDeal
Maybe she just retired from Kana Asuka..? Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
I was right!

Still hope she’s doing well...