Discussion Flow Chart

I found this and thought that it was so cute it needed to be shared here. If only we could convince people to follow these rules, discussion on the internet would be so much easier.

It also reminded me of one of my favorite Monty Python sketches; the argument clinic.

bjameson33's Avatar
Particularly useful for avoiding non-discussions about biblical literalism or just about anything involving Catholicism. Their proponents can rarely make it past the first decision point.
Haha. Well, I think that it might fit just about any religion but I really wish that the Westboro Baptist Church would take it to heart.
greenhorn1960's Avatar
I post this on my FB page a while back, and pissed off my liberal friends. This is a good one
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Particularly useful for avoiding non-discussions about biblical literalism or just about anything involving Catholicism. Their proponents can rarely make it past the first decision point. Originally Posted by bjameson33
Or 90% of the threads started in a few of the forums on ECCIE!!