Reviews rejected for lacking contact info

So 2 of my 3 last reviews have been rejected for PA due to lacking contact info. I included the studio website and a link to the contact form but apparently that is not enough. These places try to keep that information private for a reason. I know others have posted it in reviews but I don’t want to join in and help make it easier for them to end up getting shut down.

What am I supposed to do? I tried a polite PM to the mod that rejected my reviews but he did not reply. Maybe I should just include fake contact info next time? Or just stop writing reviews? Are others getting rejected too? Feeling pretty annoyed.
unseens's Avatar
I got my last one rejected too
TheTopG655's Avatar
So 2 of my 3 last reviews have been rejected for PA due to lacking contact info. I included the studio website and a link to the contact form but apparently that is not enough. These places try to keep that information private for a reason. I know others have posted it in reviews but I don’t want to join in and help make it easier for them to end up getting shut down.

What am I supposed to do? I tried a polite PM to the mod that rejected my reviews but he did not reply. Maybe I should just include fake contact info next time? Or just stop writing reviews? Are others getting rejected too? Feeling pretty annoyed. Originally Posted by plainsminer
Everyone's is getting rejected. You need the phone number I believe for premium but for obvious reasons we're not posting it. The only studio that'll give you premium credit for a review is kpopgirls since their phone number doesn't need a password to be seen, so you can actually include the phone number for that studio on reviews. Other than that you can try Indies or amp for review credit. The studio scene rn is basically just posting to help each other out with information.
Same thing happened to me. I'm just going to post my reviews somewhere else until they change the policy.
mods here are total assholes. If I post anything else here again, it will not be a traditional review but just a plain open post that everyone can see. I post reviews to help the community, not to satisfy the egos of online losers.
Everyone's is getting rejected. You need the phone number I believe for premium but for obvious reasons we're not posting it. The only studio that'll give you premium credit for a review is kpopgirls since their phone number doesn't need a password to be seen, so you can actually include the phone number for that studio
on reviews. Other than that you can try Indies or amp for review credit. The studio scene rn is basically just posting to help each other out with
information. Originally Posted by TheTopG655

Stop thinking and actually READ what is posted.

3 of the main Studios have the info
without needing the password.
Green-light, Cherrypopp, and KPop.

"Contact information- We must have at least one of the following three items:
Phone number
Email Address"
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#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases.