Sex doll brothels: Coming soon to a city near you

I posted earlier about sex dolls vs. human women as sex partners. I got laughed at. I am sure I will still get laughed at. Well it is becoming a reality faster than even I thought and the tech is in its INFANCY at this point.

Take a look:
They closed and relocated after Twitterites went agog:
Probably most of the outrage came from women who saw their historically central place in the lives of men and human society in general under serious threat from these dolls, as indeed, it is. But these are just the start. And nothing is going to stop this train.

Sex dolls brothels are opening across Asia at a pace with others set top open all over Europe soon. This is no joke. Article authors are interviewing XXX stars asking their opinions. They are IMO asking the wrong people. They should be talking to men who are the likely the greatest customers for sex dolls and what is motivating them to look forward to having a very realistic sex doll as a fucking partner or why they are going to fuck sex dolls now. Then further they need to be talking to shrinks and sex therapists and not XXX stars for actual professional opinions.

More reading:

I think what is happening is that modern women have become so difficult to deal with and financially if not legally dangerous to have a FT rel'p with that men are simply not bothering to do so, or if they are, they are waiting for some better alternative to come along. The free market has a way of fulfilling needs and wants.

Historically a middle-aged man like me should be all about people settling down, having kids, etc. That was THEN, when doing so wasn't financially and legally dangerous due to the machinations of feminists and feminist sympathizers. Agitation from the feminist world has women today despising the people that collectively gave them the most comfortable life human beings have ever had. Men have been so good at this that we seem to no longer be needed to keep it going but in point of fact w/o men civilization would collapse almost immediately. Instead of "Thank you," we have gotten "You suck". So unsurprisingly, men increasingly turn to things like sex dolls and stop bothering with women altogether.

Technology isn't pushing women out of business as personal and sexual partners to men. Women did that to themselves. Technology is just sweeping in to fill the void. Really, the ladies got no one to blame but themselves. There is a reason why this tech'y is being developed NOW and was not fast-tracked 100 years ago.

Hookers are, collectively, in trouble, as are any women who seek to be paid for as domestic hookers ("traditional wives"). This will not be a serious issue for them until about 20+ years from now. But as the opening of these few sex doll brothels show, the thin edge of the wedge is in and it will spread quickly.

This is in fact a good thing overall. Women ought to no longer have the option of trading sex for money, etc. They really need to take the training wheels off and learn to do everything for themselves, not just the clean jobs, the better-paying jobs, etc., but everything. Otherwise true gender integration will never happen. Feminists are shitting their pants over things like sex-bots when in fact they ought to be glad. Having sex bots is key to women attaining full and true equality of place with men because their presence will force women to stop trading on their sexuality and make them actually apply themselves to the same degree men have to in order to make a living, succeed, etc.
Men (and women) have been using toys for years . . . I don't understand how/why this causing such a big debate.

Until the real doll self-lubricates, warms-up and reacts to the occasional titty grab/ass slap, men will still yearn a real connection.

On a side note . . . I would love to create a sex doll brothel. My own pussy needs a break!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
As long as my imagination, or computer (porn), and my hand, are working, I'm not paying for sex with an inanimate object.

Living, breathing, sharing providers, on the other hand...
Ronin3's Avatar
Yup, you're right. I'm laughing.
There was a science fiction movie made in 1987 called Cherry 2000 that somewhat addresses this issue (and the funny part is, they set the "futuristic" time in the movie to 2017 !!!):

As the IMDb blurb states, "...learns the hard way that the perfect woman is made not of computer chips and diodes, but of real flesh and blood..."