It's me or it's free guarantee?? Can it really be??

Most stores have a 60-90 day guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase you take it back and receive a refund. But what about the "it's me or it's free" guarantee?

I've often wondered about that statement. I can clearly see how a man would be upset when the escort is not who is represented in her photos. I just can't get my head around this. If you went to an incall or met a lady and accused her of using fake photos, wouldn't that completely destroy the mood right then and there for both parties?

Fellas, has anyone ACTUALLY given it up for free when you acused them of fake photos?

Ladies, do you use that motto in your ad? What is the point of the guarantee? If you are not who is in the photos, and you give a free session, do you really think that is going to avoid a negative review? A man will write a negative review if you lied to him in any way. He has been deceived. I get angry when I'm lied to also.

If somone accused me of using fake photos I would be offended and the meeting would be off. Both go our seperate ways. The last thing I would do is engage in a meeting. I'd be pissed!

Also, wouldn't making a statement like "it's me or it's free" garner the freebie fishers to respond? Aren't there enough scammers out there? I feel that statement is a welcome for people who might try to trick you. I mean we do not live in the most honest world in the universe. Any fella can come over and act irate and say: "you are not the lady in the ad I saw." Knowing full well he never had any intention of paying for it in the first place. But there was that guarentee.....

I'm just sayin...

I've always wondered about that myself. If anyone ever got a free session if it wasn't the person, I doubt it.
Now let's be show up for your date and say "hey, you're not the girl in the photo!!" and she says "yep, you caught me...let's get naked, this one is on me!!"....Does that sound about right??

Hmmmmm.....not likely!!
Now let's be show up for your date and say "hey, you're not the girl in the photo!!" and she says "yep, you caught me...let's get naked, this one is on me!!"....Does that sound about right??

Hmmmmm.....not likely!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
So what do you do in that situation? Listen to other head and go with the seccion anyways? I'm sure that is the most likely ending.
Now let's be show up for your date and say "hey, you're not the girl in the photo!!" and she says "yep, you caught me...let's get naked, this one is on me!!"....Does that sound about right??

Hmmmmm.....not likely!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

Exactly, that's why I don't understand the guarantee.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Exactly, that's why I don't understand the guarantee. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Its probably the girls way of saying its not bait and switch I would think
Omahan's Avatar
If a bait and switch girl says it you can bet you'll have to fight a pimp to get out without paying.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
This "guarantee" along with the bullshit writing such as

S_ T_o_P __ a_N_d __ T_a_K_e __ A __ L_o_O_k. -----> 24/7 ACTiON. PRO-SERViCE WiT A SMiLE... CATCH ME WHiLE iM iN TOWN. COZY, PRiVATE iNCALL


*WhY WASTE YouR**TIME ***on Any OtHer But This TOP NoTch SwEdIsh BeaUtY

is an automatic "next" for me and many other gentlemen I know. I mean it just screams "low class" and "juvenile". If thats what a guy is looking for, great! A match made in heaven! And if thats the way a lady intends to come across to her client base, well its marketing genius; you are hitting your target audience! I'm just not quite sure how large that audience really is.
Its probably the girls way of saying its not bait and switch I would think Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Right, and I'm just wondering if anyone actually got the "free" in that guaranteeeeeeeeeeee
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Right, and I'm just wondering if anyone actually got the "free" in that guaranteeeeeeeeeeee Originally Posted by incognito isis
so true girl, I can hear it now..."but that is me"---10 years ago LOL!!

CC I never understood the ads like that unless they are trying to stand out, they make me crosseyed lol
yeah well all I have to say is....

I think some people just read too much into this guarantee thing. A guarantee is just what we think it is, its a promise. A promise that the person in the photos are indeed the advertising provider. With so many girls blurring out their facial features it's hard to prove if it's the provider's actual photos or not, so it's not the most ingenious way to counter all of the fake adverts, but I commend the effort to at least acknowledge that there is a problem and that real steps are being taken to separate the genuine from the phonies. Now the guarantee for the photos being of the provider suits me just fine, however if it were say "If my photos doesn't portray my RL appearance accurately then it's free" then thats a entirely different story.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ladies, do you use that motto in your ad? What is the point of the guarantee? If you are not who is in the photos, and you give a free session, do you really think that is going to avoid a negative review? A man will write a negative review if you lied to him in any way. He has been deceived. I get angry when I'm lied to also.

If somone accused me of using fake photos I would be offended and the meeting would be off. Both go our seperate ways. The last thing I would do is engage in a meeting. I'd be pissed! Originally Posted by incognito isis
Nope. I don't use the motto because it IS me in my pictures so no need to offer free sessions. I also don't understand why ladies feel the need to use fake only takes one person for the whole community to find out. Most of the time the photo is not fake but she went too far with the photoshop. I have send both professional and self shot photos for the guys to decide for themselves. They look just alike and I look even better in person so it's a win!

When it comes to pictures the customer is always right. If he says the pictures are fake then they are. If he says they've been altered then they have. If he says your tampon string is hanging out then it is... so maybe it's time for new pics .

If somone accused me of using fake photos I would be offended and the meeting would be off. Both go our seperate ways. The last thing I would do is engage in a meeting. I'd be pissed!

I'm just sayin... Originally Posted by incognito isis
Since I'm not the kind of hobbyist that shops around and has spontaneous dates, this has never been a problem for me. I typically cultivate a bit of a relationship first and haven't ever come across a lady I didn't already know was legit before we got together. But I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority as I tend to take my time and only see a select few faves when I have the chance.

With that said, Isis - who is that a photo of in your avatar?? Is that you being less incognito or is it someone I just don't recognize (very pretty btw)?? If that's not you, and I just called you out, does that mean I got a freebie coming?!?!?