its the flu every one needs to breath Talk about LSM - scare and deceive this is like the war of the worlds - now where's my helmetNo it’s not like the flu, yous ignorant moron,
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Moron poster says what?His post is accurate. The trump loyalists like Dr Hannity and Limbaugh were promoting the virus as a Democratic political hoax just last week. Are you implying those lies didn’t happen?Originally Posted by eccielover
His post is accurate. Originally Posted by Jaxson66His post is continued bullshit. Trump never called the virus a hoax. His only statement regarding the "hoax" was that the lefts criticism of him and his administrations handling of it was their next "hoax".
His post is continued bullshit. Trump never called the virus a hoax. His only statement regarding the "hoax" was that the lefts criticism of him and his administrations handling of it was their next "hoax".Dempanic? In caps none the less.
And the likes of you and the OP continue to perpetuate the DEMPANIC "hoax". Originally Posted by eccielover
His post is continued bullshit. Trump never called the virus a hoax. His only statement regarding the "hoax" was that the lefts criticism of him and his administrations handling of it was their next "hoax".Nope it’s been reported accurately that a Trump accused the Dems of spreading hysteria and politicizing this pandemic....Trump called it their new HOAX.
And the likes of you and the OP continue to perpetuate the DEMPANIC "hoax". Originally Posted by eccielover
Nope it’s been reported accurately that a Trump accused the Dems of spreading hysteria and politicizing this pandemic....Trump called it their new HOAX. Originally Posted by BlisswithKrissYes, indeed that was the context of Trump's statement.
the "right" has tried to dismiss this Corona as a "nothing burger" for weeks, their portfolios have taken a beating. South Korea tests 10,000 people a day, we have tested a couple of thousand people.. TOTALIs this the best you can come up with CT? Just looked at the CDC website: 36 people have died. That's up from like 23 a week ago. People dying in the streets is a crisis. This is a relative nothingburger.
the right will continue to blame every one but their KANG Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Nope it’s been reported accurately that a Trump accused the Dems of spreading hysteria and politicizing this pandemic....Trump called it their new HOAX.Present your evidence. You won't because YOU STUPID!
Everything is a hoax to this Dr Doolittle. And this is the guy that shut down what Obama built, regarding pandemics because he hates Obama.
Gutted the CDC and lied about the number of testing apparatus.
Arrogance, incompetence and misinformation. That’s how all dictators behave.
Yep...Dr Doolittle still thinks it’s a hoax, but the people don’t. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss