A lot of the ads I read leave me with many questions I would like to ask the provider who posted the ad.
Here are a few that I would like to ask:
- Why do you call yourself Juicy? What kind of juice is it and will you clean it off before I get there?
- Why do you call yourself a Stallion? Stallions are male horses, what are you hiding down there?
- You’re Black and yet you say no AA men, what’s up with that? I guess so much for the old saying “once you’ve tried black….”
- You posted 6 pictures of obviously 2 different girls which one am I supposed to believe is you?
- You posted 6 different ads in 3 different areas, all claiming you are new to this, you did the same thing last week and the week before, When do you stop being New?
- You advertise as a low volume provider and your running a $50 special, how low volume can you be?
- You advertise that you are independent yet you’re phone number Google’s 6 more girls, are they Independent too?
- Your ad said drug free or disease free, but not both is this your attempted at truth in advertising?
- You offer a GFE, does that mean your going to get a headache or be in that special time of the month when it comes time for our BCD session?
Next time:
Photo’s what not to use in an ad.