Heavy Pre-cum

I want some help with this. I have ok stamina for activities. However, pretty quickly into activities I have a heavy amount of pre-cum, almost like a mini pop. There are some ladies who don't do CIM and when this happens they stop the bbbj, clean up then move on. If it wasn't for the pre-cum the session would transition smoothly. I can't tell when this happens so I really can't give any warning.

Any suggestions? It's not an issue and the providers that this has happened with have been understanding, but I'd hate to have to go to a CBJ when a BBBJ was an option.
You are beating off too much. Leave your pecker alone and it will stop leaking.
Maybe your a squirter and just haven't realized it yet .
Precious_b's Avatar
NQNS Provider.
What Causes it?

A weakening of the parasympathetic nerves and PC muscle. These are generally considered the main causes of leakage. The parasympathetic nerves control the body’s reactions during sexual arousal. They keep the ejaculation and pre ejaculate valves closed. A weakening of these nerves can drain the amount of bioenergy (sexual energy) in a man. This can lead to a number of conditions. These include premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, loss of erection, and pre ejaculate leakage.

The PC muscle (Pubococcygeus muscle) is primarily used for urine control. It also acts a the floor of the pelvis. It supports the organs within the pelvic area. A weakness in the PC muscle reduces the support given to the pelvic organs. This contributes to a number of penile conditions, including excess pre cum.

Either you know a lot about the subject, or you gave WebMD and Google a work out. Thank you for the effort you put into the response, it's much appreciated.

Lots of benefits to doing these it seems.
Men also meed to realize that fapping too much can cause this as well
guest071618-1's Avatar
Sounds like Holiday Inn Express moment (commercial).. lol
DocHolyday's Avatar
Maybe you should consider consulting your medical professional about this rather than a hooker board.