Oops, it looks like the Michigan supreme Court thinks that Donald J Trump should be on the official ballot. It does not seem as though this is good news for those with TDS.
Declining to hear a case is not the same as ruling on a case. You're just seeing a group of can kickers in action-....right on down the road. Soon enough this will land on the SCOTUS's doorstep, and they will be forced to do one of two things. Either make a ruling or push it down to a lower court for the sake of never having to put an official ruling on the 14th, amendment.
I understand the optics perspective for a conservative court not wanting to rule against the guy who put them there, or in general to piss off a 40% hold of MAGA morons, but I don't see the problem with holding our ppl accountable to the laws of the country vs. giving someone a pass, cause they are running for office. If that's the case, the whole impeachment process is a sham and should be gone since there is apparently not going to be any accountability. It's just a ruse to make ppl feel like these ppl have to behave in some sense of normality vs. the complete crazy town of washington and those who occupy it.
Well, as I say, let the voters make the determination.
Good thing TDS people like the OP support State Rights.
They'll love seeing this play out in the other State Courts.
Who gives a shit? If the Republicans are stupid enough to nominate Trump again, we’ll only have them to blame for four more years of Biden.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider