Question For You Guy Hobbiest

Guitar's Avatar
I know RL makes his residence near the Bama line, so this would be easy for him to answer. But do a lot of yall guys keep up with neighboring state boards and venture across state lines, just to hobby? I don't keep up with any other state boards, other than Ms. Gosh, it's enough to keep up with all the drama on this one. Much less Bama, La, or Georgia. If I worked in a traveling profession, I guess it would be an opportunity. But I don't. And I was just wondering if a lot of yall did?
Moonchild's Avatar
I visit Alabama, panhandle and New Orleans/Baton Rouge. Some visiting providers will not go to Biloxi or Gulfport so I venture other places at times.
HoundstoothBear's Avatar
I'm close to Bama but not close to any decent sized towns except Tuscaloosa and I'm always hearing how active LE is there.

I'm on the TN, VA, West VA and the Carolinas board as part of the mod job and it's a way to get a view of different women we haven't seen around here. JaG is supposed to mail me a certain lady but hasn't done it yet.
greyghost48's Avatar
I have heard of mail order brides but that's anew concept mail order hookers, wonder what the postage cost is.

But back to the inquiry. I too am close to the MS-ALA line in north MS so I peruse the ALA board. A little further to Memphis but check the TN board too. I sort of look to see if any of those ladies might be touring toward Jackson, the coast or maybe BHam to see if they would be interested in making a side trip here. Not too much luck so far.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I look at the MS board, just because I spent so much time there, and the TN board to make me feel bad about no ladies visiting Chattanooga. If I'm traveling, I look at that board - AL and IN recently.

Now, if RL wants me to mail him Hailey Lynn, he's in for a surprise - there are a bunch of guys in Nashville who would be very unhappy if that happens, and they might come to Meridian to express their unhappiness.

Be careful what you ask for. Instead, just come visit her in Nashville.

JaG, please understand when I say this and I mean in all sincerity... I am being selfish, greedy and socially unacceptable...and I don't care. Put a stamp on her ass and send her to me! I promise to send her back in a few years. My word is bond. If you do don't do this, I'll be forced to get the other horndogs of Mississippi to group together and beg like hungry puppies.

Don't force my hand! I'll beg without mercy dammit!!!
  • Pmon
  • 07-07-2017, 06:20 AM
I keep a close eye on AL, MS, and Panhandle boards. I'll occasionally peek in on other boards when I travel, but 90% of my hobbying is on the Gulf coast.