Was thinking about some of the ladies that has left us this year.
We've got some good ladies in the area so don't take this as a slight on yall, you're great!
We've had some good ladies leave this year and to honest, I'm tired of it...QUIT LEAVING! I guess I got to thinking about it after I swapped a couple of texts with NaughtyAngel4U and I was thinking about some of the funny stuff she and I pulled together, like mooning Biloxi, eating King Cake in bed, and of course playing together. I tried to bribe her into coming back, offered her another King Cake.
Then we lose FloraBelle less than a month ago. I know she was already gone from the area but I miss having her on the board.
I thought we had lost Sweet Melissa but she's back and I think we're all glad of that. But there's still others that had left too.
I think it's time to start bribing these women into coming back...who wants to go in on a King Cake with me?
They might be back RL this business is known for multiple retirements. That's one reason why I like doing Reviews to have a record of all the memories. I haven't done Reviews on all the ladies I've seen but sure try. Can't wait to see the new additions to our board.
Oh I know Slim, that's why I thought a King Cake bribe might help to bring them back.
I will go in with you on the king cake RL
Or it might be the attitude of Hobbyist that has caused the migration.
That's always a possibility P_b, just hope it's not the case.
Unfortunately P_b might be on to something. If the thrill is being taken out of anything you're doing, you start to question things. Unfortunately too many sour grapes will bitter the wine.
As a business owner outside of the hobby you learn to take a lot of shit, that doesn't mean you stop what you're doing.... although retirement may be in my future just bc of time restraints. But I don't think I'd ever fully retire, I love y'all, and cock, way too much!
We hobbyists need to do our part to keep the ladies who are here (i.e. in Mississippi) and make them feel appreciated. If we have a reputation for respecting and treating the ladies well, then perhaps even more ladies will consider visiting or even moving here. Mark
I'm actually moving to Mississippi at the beginning of next month, however it will be on the coast
Another one moving to the Coast I'm so excited.