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Rogersguy's Avatar
It Just Got Harder To Sell Sex Online
Man I know it is so annoying
This site will become more popular or people will learn to use bit coin pretty fast
BabyDallass's Avatar
The Pimps will make the girls learn the Bit coin pretty fast...Again, They are actually the ones running most of these girls and their business. Pretty sad...
Who wants to give me a bit-coin tutorial?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
BitCoin isn't hard...I use it all the time *shrug*
Can u give me like a brief summary of how to use bit coin please
I am curious about bitcoin myself.
nevercanhavetoomuch's Avatar
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I had started, a few years back, a few topics on using bitcoins and it was pretty much shot down, just the idea. I was keen on it back when but now? I don't know.

However, now, if it's being forced, I don't like the idea at all.

To answer your question, though, here are a few resources that were given to me. I'm just cutting and pasting this information. I have NOT looked at these links, yet.


It is not hard to set up and you can be up and ready to go in under an hour.

Like anything you just need to read the directions and you can set up a bitcoin wallet in virtually no time.

Bitcoin has become relatively easy to use and being able to quickly transfer funds into and out of your account/wallet has mitigated the currency volatility.

It has also been holding pretty steady for the last few months.

I use coinbase and it has instant exchange meaning that if someone pays me in bitcoin, I can instantly exchange it into USD.

Bitcoin is not going anywhere and given what is happening with BP it may not be long before every service in this industry will only be accepting botcoin. Pays to do your homework now. In fact as the currency settles and there is more risk mitigation you may see adult friendly business prefer bitcoin anyway as there is no chargebacks. None. You can not contest the payment. Given that info, you may want to consider also accepting bitcoin .

Based on some research and review of TOS coinbase may not be the best solution for this industry so here are some others:

Here is more info...

Here is a bitcoin debit card:

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
JEESH. That cut and pasted pretty funky. I'll try to go back and edit the above post.


edited to add: I tried to make the above post "prettier" but I'm leaving it as best as I can. Still, I believe it's good information. Plus ... frankly, I'm hoping for some sort of wrap around payment option from backpage.

They're still taking Visa from some. And there is just going to have to be some sort of alternative payment option other than bitcoin. I'm just not fond of the idea of using bitcoin. With bitcoin, you have to be open to the idea of LOSING your funds for whatever reason. And I don't like that idea AT ALL.
Lacie Foxx's Avatar
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
It'll last exactly as long as it takes to find a wraparound payment option.

Already ... I wonder if backpage will be SO flooded with ads that they'll stop it sooner. But that is my guess. The powers that be, you know it, are searching for another way to get paid for ads.

I'm sure that they're going to create some sort of alternative way to pay, and it'll be something different from bitcoin ... OR ... they'll go the way of craigslist and just stop having adult ads.

I don't believe that this will happen. However, I really don't know. Just my few guesses.