Can't post a review using the Mobile version

(I posted this on Questions for Staff and never got a response. Hoping this forum will work.)

I cannot post a review using the Mobile version. I have an Android phone. I go to Texas \ Dallas \ Independent Reviews, but when I hit the Plus + button for Independent Reviews, it is for a new POST, not a new REVIEW. Others have commented about troubles too. Can you please fix or show me what I am doing wrong?
Totempole's Avatar
My solution is to go to the bottom and click on "Full Site" and struggle thru posting on a mobile device. I'm also do not see a "New Review" button on mobile. Can't do a decent search on mobile either.

Reviews are easier on a full computer until its fixed, been this way for couple years.

Someone else may know how.
corona's Avatar
Reviews require the form to be filled out. That's not available on the mobile site. So that means the only way to post a review is on the full site.