
finman56's Avatar
She posted this on another board, but her father passed away just recently. Hopefully she takes some to heal and grieve.

thinking of you gorgeous.
DallasRain's Avatar
send my HUGS and PRAYER to her please
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
:/ ... deepest condolences to her and her family for such a tremendous loss.
les123's Avatar
Amen. A terrible thing to go through for such a nice young lady. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Kelsey.
KelseyBelle's Avatar
Aww thank you all so much! You guys are the best! HUGS!
KelseyBelle's Avatar
For some reason today my father has been on my mind more then ever. Don't ever take your loved ones for granite. I miss him very much. I guess we all grief differently.. He was shown us sides he is around. If your believe in sprite as I do we have seen the signs loud and clear.
DallasRain's Avatar
Hes smiling down at you!

I lost my dad over 8 years...he is buried in a family cemetary so we made his grave up with windchimes and outside decor..and complete with a gazing ball..he always luved windchines!
Kelsey, my thoughts are with you. Do cherish the memories. Lost my dad 39 years ago. I still think of him and miss him. But I have such good memories of both of my parents. I'm one of the lucky ones to have had such good parents. I'm sorry about your loss, but I'm happy that you think of him with love.
les123's Avatar
When my mother passed away I felt this overwhelming feeling she was there to help me with the grieving process. She was my best friend. That may sound weird to you all but who else would understand you better than your mother? Kelsey, sorry I missed your trip to Des Moines. Guys, she is a keeper!
Sorry to hear of your loss. I know what you're going through. I just lost my father last November. It's still hard to fathom that I can't just call him up to chat or ask advice anymore.
KelseyBelle's Avatar
KelseyBelle's Avatar
Memories are what keep us going.. we just had a mini family vacation and his sprite was there. My mother had seen a medium a month or so after his passing and you ask you loved one to stop by in a form of feathers (birds), flowers butterflies ect..well hers was butterflies and they were surrounding my mother it was probably the most beautiful thing I ever seen.
( I normally don't put my personal life in with this but for the past couple days he has been on my mind more then ever)

You guys are so kind for sharing your stories I really wish I could hug u all. when does it get easier? He was such a kind man and would have given his shirt off is back for anyone. He was just that kind hearted!
DallasRain's Avatar
We just carry on and remember the memories. And we smile.

I also lost mu youngest brother a few years ago...he was an awesome brother..he would go off in the woods for days at a time and come back with tons of old bottles..he had a huge when we put him in the family cemetary we made him a bottle tree next to his grave with all the bottles from his collection.
KelseyBelle's Avatar
Aww Dallas that awesome! I know exactly what your talk about also. I used to live behind woods and found old bottles that look like old medication glass bottles ect. That is such a neat idea!
Sorry to hear of your loss