Askingfor pictures ???

So I've had this guy who's got a hold of me a couple times on another site p411 who has two ok's but they're from a while ago in a different state and twice now on separate occasions he's asked me for pictures. FYI if I have never seen you before and you are trying to see me I am not sending you pictures when I have pictures on all of my sites that are up-to-date and everything else that is an automatic red flag for something that I do not want to get involved in. There might be other females on here that feel comfortable with it I am not one of them especially since in a session I charge for them anyways.

What are your thoughts on these guys and do you guys normally ask for pictures? Has some of you guys have seen me lots of times no I have no problem sending you guys pictures when you ask but for somebody that I've never seen before it makes me nervous.

Girls do you send pictures? Is it normal for me to be feeling nervous hopefully I'm not the only one that feels this way LOL he kind of gets an attitude when I won't send them I don't know if I'm being unreasonable or not but it is a rule of mine and I am not going to change my rule for anybody. I rather be safe than sorry and no amount of money is worth me getting into issues that I don't want to be in.

Hope you all are having a great week I've been horribly sick and not feeling good but I'm starting to feel a lot better now can't wait for this crap to be over this was a bad decision to go through with this LOL never ever ever ever again haha

Your biggest admirer Shayla❤❤❤❤
livn2do's Avatar
I hear ya. I get so tired of all the ladies asking me for my pics. I have feelings ya know.

I have asked for a "taste" before but only from providers that I already have a professional relationship with and have appointments booked for that day already. OK, I lied. I have also asked for a pic from a provider that I see regularly when she is touring cause I miss her.

Feel better
I really get tired of all the women asking me for pics too. I mean what am I? A machine?

I usually end up telling them that I am old enough to have had a part in the movie "The Sting" and I send them a pic of Robert Redford or Paul Newman.

This seems to work out surprisingly well. Always stick with what works
les123's Avatar
Shayla, you do the best job of keeping your pics up to date. You owe that perv nothing.BTW, I too have asked providers that I have seen many times, explicit pics. I was usually drunk at the time and very horny. Forgive me.
I love all your smart asses LOL but I'm not being unreasonable with not sending pictures of somebody I've never seen before and does not have credible references right? I guess maybe I'm being too safe? I don't know but I know I've never gotten no pictures from nobody so now my feelings are hurt I shall be waiting for my pictures
And like I said I don't mind sending pictures to people I've seen on numerous occasions I know quite a few of you have pictures of me that I've sent you just to play with you LOL but I'm expecting at least three pictures from three different people now Livin to do you have a lot of making up to do haha
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
I hear ya. I get so tired of all the ladies asking me for my pics. I have feelings ya know.

I have asked for a "taste" before but only from providers that I already have a professional relationship with and have appointments booked for that day already. OK, I lied. I have also asked for a pic from a provider that I see regularly when she is touring cause I miss her.

Feel better Originally Posted by livn2do

I see how you are-saving all your sexy selfies for everyone else and all I get are pictures of lube and threats of taking my poor booty's virginity
I don't have any lube pics but I sure would like to assault that poor bootie's virginity
livn2do's Avatar
Livin to do you have a lot of making up to do haha Originally Posted by shayla84
Im good for it. You know that
livn2do's Avatar
I see how you are-saving all your sexy selfies for everyone else and all I get are pictures of lube and threats of taking my poor booty's virginity Originally Posted by JocelynJohnsin
I wouldn't dare threaten you sugar butt. I wouldn't risk losing my bible study partner. As for your booty's virginity, you wouldn't even know...unfortunately
Here's my pic Shayla. 1 down and 2 to go

Always stick with what works
Always love your pictures Shayla!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
If he wants more jackoff material beyond the pictures he can already find on the internet of me (profiles, website, ads) i'm happy to oblige if he pays for them. Otherwise...nah.
tinman483's Avatar
Hiya shayla I say stick to your guns especially if you have never had a play date with him yet! Duno in your posts if it is said no extra pix or not. And as far as I know most providers don't share pix anyway? Her personal preference! And then when a hobbyist keeps askin (my experence anyway) (tho I do understand no means no) she won't see him anyway!
What is nice is after meeting a provider, and she kinda likes you is she shares a new pic and invites you over for a date. Sometimes I can but others I have to pass right then anyway.
What I don't understand is the hobbyist say about the men don't ever share a pic of yourself or your junk! Find one on the net that looks like you do and use it. Then when they meet a provider that is not the one in their pix they bitch about that! They need one standard or shut the hell up!
And no I don't mind sharing my pix if a gal would like one. Just my opinion.
BubbaH's Avatar
Just put on about 5 layers like it's January in Iowa then send him a pic. When he complains make him pay to take off a layer and increase the price each round. See how bad he wants them.