Question for the experts YMMV

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OK I have been out of the loop for a while, had some spare time a while back and was looking for some fun. Started talking with a fine young lady on here and she was very sweet. Her showcase wasnt real clear on menu so i inquired and her reply was read my reviews, which was fine and i already had but then she said as always YMMV. That is where i lost interest. I take that as dont expect what you read, may happen may not. So I didnt go through with it. I dont want to go into a appointment not knowing what to expect. Did i take that wrong? Just looking for opinions. Thanks. All messages with her were great that just threw me off.
I can totally understand your feeling on this that would be a hard decision to make as you don't know if you're getting what you paid for not the only thing I do ymmv with is usually time after our time is up if I'm really enjoying you and your company I'm not a big clock watcher
I can see her side because she doesn't know you, hasn't met you. If a guy shows up that stinks or has some other off putting quality, she might want to cut things short or cancel all together. I think Jessica is the most open minded, inclusive person in the business, but she has told me she's had to tell a couple guys, no way, after meeting in person. It is rare, but it happens.
Room Service's Avatar
I can see her side because she doesn't know you, hasn't met you. If a guy shows up that stinks or has some other off putting quality, she might want to cut things short or cancel all together. I think Jessica is the most open minded, inclusive person in the business, but she has told me she's had to tell a couple guys, no way, after meeting in person. It is rare, but it happens. Originally Posted by ClimaxBlues
Ya I get that. I'm not mentioning any names she was sweet and nice to talk to I'm just saying that the comment changed my mind and not sure if I took it wrong or not.
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I would assume she is probably just covering her bases-deep throat might be In some of my reviews but Mr. world record 19 inch cock can't walk in and really expect be thinking he's going to bury that thing in my face (I would damn sure try though). And yes as mentioned the hygiene thing can definitely be offputting if it's not on point. There is never really a 100% guarantee on anything necessarily but I'm sure The odds are significantly better than they would be taking a chance on a Backpage random that no one has ever heard of type thing