I'm fine with tips. I can afford it and apparently it means I'm stirring less paint than otherwise so win win.
Originally Posted by janusinstereo
I can afford it too but doesn’t mean I want to waste my money when it’s not with a woman who is worth it. In fact if she’s not worth the extra then I’m wasting my time too. Not good. My time is valuable and I cannot afford to waste my time.
But I get what you’re saying about less sloppy seconds to dip your magic wand into. Doesn’t really mean much though.
Plus if you see a woman three times and pay an up charge each time then you’ve essentially screwed yourself out of a fourth session by paying more money for three visits. You’re losing economic value at that point.
I paid extra for Ace. I saw her 2-3 times. It was fun but not a great value I’ll admit just so I could bone her BBFS and CIP. The GL and LA girls were equally capable.