
tia travels's Avatar
These aliens land in the Desert and they get out of their space craft and meet up with a large rock. The first alien says " take me to your leader or I'll destroy you". Of course the rock says nothing and the alien proceeds to take out his phaser and blast the rock into pieces.

They proceed through the desert when they meet up with a cactus. Again the first alien says " take me to your leader or I'll destroy you". Again no reply and the cactus is destroyed. Next they notice lights off in the distance. They walk towards the light and arrive at a gas station. Once again the first alien walks up to the gas pump and says "take me to your leader or I'll destroy you". The second alien tells him " I don't think that would be such a good idea".

Ignoring the second aliens comments the first alien pulls out his phaser and proceeds to blast the gas pump. This is proceeded by a large explosion sending the aliens flying back 1000 yards into the desert. The first alien shakes himself off and asks the second alien " How did you know not to mess with that one"?

The second alien replies " anyone who can take his penis and wrap it around his body a couple of times and then stick it in his own mouth must be one bad mother.
Hehe! Thanks Tia!