Can't believe this....

type in ANY number between 1 and 20,000 followed by Covid cases in google search. do it about 10 times and see what pops up. CRAZY!!!!
matchingmole's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
Oh my there number for every number covid-19 so fake.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
type in ANY number between 1 and 20,000 followed by Covid cases in google search. do it about 10 times and see what pops up. CRAZY!!!! Originally Posted by pocadot1959

what are we looking at? corona nudity?
matchingmole's Avatar
type in ANY number between 1 and 20,000 followed by Covid cases in google search. do it about 10 times and see what pops up. CRAZY!!!! Originally Posted by pocadot1959
Why don't you tell us what pops up? Because I did it once and articles about Covid cases came up. As expected.

This looks like a lame attempt at search engine optimization by boosting the number of Covid searches on Google. You gave away the game when you said "do it about 10 times".

Do you really think that there aren't enough searches being done on Google already?