50 dead in terror attack at New Zealand mosques

guy fawkes's Avatar
I have a friend in CC. Most of my friends in that part of the world work for APPLE in Sydney. I have reached out to find out they were friends with some that passed. Too much NONSENSE in this world. CC is a beautiful place that I thought was untouched by ignorance..

Secret Encounters's Avatar
Im terribly sorry that this has hit so close to home for you. My deepest condolences go out to u & ur friends who have been hit with such tragic news.
Im sorry..

tpepsi's Avatar
Unfortunately this type of thing is no longer "news". Happening way too frequently. Hate is alive and well. And you don't have to look far; just peek inside the white house.
tpepsi's Avatar
Hate is alive and well. And you don't have to look far; just peek inside the white house. Originally Posted by hittinit
Actually, look at yourself. You just made fresh hate.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I have a friend in CC. Most of my friends in that part of the world work for APPLE in Sydney. I have reached out to find out they were friends with some that passed. Too much NONSENSE in this world. CC is a beautiful place that I thought was untouched by ignorance..

https://www.cnn.com/asia/live-news/l...ntl/index.html Originally Posted by guy fawkes
This brought tears to my eyes... No one should be persecuted because of their race, ethnicity or religion... Life is so incredibly precious... Those poor people were just worshipping their chosen God... Smdh... Simply heartbreaking ..

Your saddened slave,

Actually, look at yourself. You just made fresh hate. Originally Posted by tpepsi
Whatever you say pepsi man.
Whatever you say pepsi man. Originally Posted by hittinit
He is absolutely right. Left constantly preaches tollerance and love as long as it aligns with their values, the all bets are off.

Has anyone seen any coverage of the Christians being slaughtered in Nigeria? Hardly a mention......and there have been about 120 killed since February, as many as 50 in on attack. Why does it not get coverage? Because it is Muslims killing Christians and that does not fit the narrative on the left.

I am sorry that you know the people there in NZ, it is a tragedy no matter what but look at your own words before you point the fingers at others.
guy fawkes's Avatar
The purpose of the thread was really about death that has recently occured and that I had friends close to or know people who have died. This was just sharing. Not meant to be a jumping board about death in other nations or religious deaths.
Just sharing my close friends whom I chat week more than three times a month and see in AUS at min once a year. Just people I know. I have not been religious in a long time. My preference. I am Atheist.I choose this path after years of study in Theology, Living in other countries Nigeria (my fathers land), Germany, Italy, studying in the middle east countries, studying and research for years in the major religions and the culture of Islam.
Enjoy your day this is my only comment on the subject. Thanks @Secret Encounters and @Slave Guinevere
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-20-2019, 12:15 AM
Yes, let's keep the discussion focused on the OP's topic. If any of you wish to get into a political discussion do so in the Political Forum on the Main Page, not here.