Out of commission

superpussyeater2675's Avatar
Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile been out of commission due to back to back surgeries, gotta love that. Hopefully recovery will be over soon and I will be able to "get back out there". I have missed being on here and have been trying to catch up on the latest activities.
coast_encounter's Avatar
Sorry to hear that your have been out of commission. Back pain sucks.

tracerxxx's Avatar
Hope your back in the grove "V" soon....
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Be there -- done that. Wishing you a fast recovery.
superpussyeater2675's Avatar
Thanks for the get well wishes guys, but I should have been more clear not back surgeries but two surgeries in a row. Should be back in action in a couple of weeks. Thanks again.
DallasRain's Avatar
speedy recovery!!