
Here's a question--why don't providers like using texts? It can't be that they are worried about LE having documented words. Phone calls could just as easily be recorded, and a lot of states only require one party to be aware of the recording.
Personally..... I like to hear someones voice. That determines alot for me. For instance, ethnice background, personality, verbal education,... there are many factors...
Think about it. Would you call me if you haven't seen a pic or read a review.....
We don't know anything about you. I always like to hear someones voice. Just my opinion.
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto---conversation to get a feel for each other is best! also I am old school and text very slow so I hate texting!
If you just have general questions I don't mind texting but for setting a date a guy needs to speak. Hell for all I know I could be texting a child! To many games are made via text.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Hate texting!
I do not like texting at all. I have never gotten any thing good out of it. I used to allow texting until I realized that the people who text are usually full of it. For example, I set up an appointment through text. During the texting process it seemed totally normal. I checked in at my incall an hour early, opened the door so it could air out as I got some things out of my car. The man that had been texting me shows up 45 minutes early with 2 friends (they were all little wanna be thugs btw!) and actually expected all three of them to get a session for the price of one as if its "lets all put $ money in and get a provider" (im not a pizza boys, you dont all put your money in and get your piece). This could have been avoided if I hadnt allowed texting, I would have heard that while he was on his way, that he had friends with him and that he was the most rude and uneducated individual that I have ever met.
tracerxxx's Avatar
I use text but I'm 2 slow at it .......
I clearly have "no texts-no exceptions" posted on all of my provider ads yet people still text as if they are the exception to the rule. If I have dealt with you before than I dont mind texting as long as its not countless texts of idle conversation. What gets me is when I inform people that if they are trying to schedule an appointment than they need to call and their response is usually rude and disrespectful along with them telling me just to "forget about it".
Most people think its for legal reasons and it has nothing to do with that. I know that if it were a sting and they wanted to get you than they can just record the conversation and when they or you show up for the appointment, you are getting arrested anyway. I dont like texting because if I cant hear your voice and demeanor over the phone and what is going on in the backround then I am uncomfortable dealing with it.
I reather talk to someone the first time so i can tell what type of person they are by the sound of there voice.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
It works both ways. I like to talk before confirming the appointment. But once confirmed, texting is a good way to provide last minute info to confirm arrival, to get exact address, etc. But that's about all.

bladtinzu's Avatar
The voice is a good indication of how the person really is. You can't tell sarcatic comments from true ones via text.

And I remember a lady who was all about no texts of any way shape or form. Yet did so the first 5 minutes of my visit thus causing me to walk out. I kill my phone before entering and expect the same respect..
The voice is a good indication of how the person really is. You can't tell sarcatic comments from true ones via text.

And I remember a lady who was all about no texts of any way shape or form. Yet did so the first 5 minutes of my visit thus causing me to walk out. I kill my phone before entering and expect the same respect.. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
I think it is so rude for a provider to text or answer the phone while handling an appointment. I put my phone on silent and just return phone calls after the appointment is over with.
I went to an outcall appointment one time and the gentleman refused to get off of his farmville game. It wasnt offensive, just funny as hell.
I have a cheap hobby phone that's really hard to text from, whereas, I get e-mail on my real phone that I carry with me all the time. That's why I prefer e-mail. There are some days, like when I don't have an appointment scheduled, that I don't even have my hobby phone turned on or with me. If we have an appointment scheduled and you want to send a text letting me know your at my place that's okay.
I agree with most on this subject. Just imagine how many guys contact a lady, and half of the contacts are via text, her fingers would be numb after all that texting!
I personally don't mind a few text messages, because it may not be convenient for the gent at the time (ie: boring PP presentation, or a meeting), BUT there must be a phone call!
Texting directions isn't a good idea, IMO. Sometimes people forget to clear their phone and trouble can ensue. Again, I would rather talk my guest to my location.
Turning off the phone, or muting it, should be SOP.
I agree with most on this subject. Just imagine how many guys contact a lady, and half of the contacts are via text, her fingers would be numb after all that texting!
I personally don't mind a few text messages, because it may not be convenient for the gent at the time (ie: boring PP presentation, or a meeting), BUT there must be a phone call!
Texting directions isn't a good idea, IMO. Sometimes people forget to clear their phone and trouble can ensue. Again, I would rather talk my guest to my location.
Turning off the phone, or muting it, should be SOP. Originally Posted by Nicolet
I agree with on this. Ive had trouble before because a client forgot to clear out his text history and his wife or S.O found everything in his phone.