Hurricane Isaac - To stay or to go ? That is the question.

coast_encounter's Avatar
Good evening all,

I wanted to see what everyone that may be affected by the storm is planning to do. I guess we may know more tomorrow morning but who plans on roughing it out and who plans on heading to higher ground, I am in a low area so most likely I will evacuate if it looks like we may get some storm surge. Good Luck to everyone and keep an eye on the local news and the weather channel. Pray for the best and prepare for the worst as always.
I'm riding it out til we'd morning and then Houston here I come
I'm riding it out til we'd morning and then Houston here I come Originally Posted by Mina Parker
I have plenty of room at my
Ha! Fishing two, I can always accommodate u as well sweetie
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Everyone, just be safe.
I hope Isaac stays a a tropical storm, and just squirts on us. Wait, we have providers that do that! LOL.
All joking aside, I plan on staying home with my family close to me.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I'm not a fan of either the local news or the weather channel - too much drama in with carefully edited information. Their job is to scare you into leaving. My preference is Weather Underground - Click on severe weather then tropical, and you see a map of all the storms in both oceans. Click on Isaac, and a page with a lot of information will come up.

Latest information is that it will go into SE LA as a Cat 1, but there's still a lot of uncertainty.. The track has moved slowly west with landfall moving from FL to AL to MS and now LA. The track they show is kind-of the average of the models - not really an average, but "average" is a good enough word to describe how they're approaching the differences in the models.

One of the things I like about this site is that you can read the forecaster "discussion." While there's a lot of tech speak, there's enough English that anyone can get the jist of what the forecaster is saying.

Coast Encounter, if you are in a low area, get out. This is a very large storm, we're going to be on the strong (eastern) side, and it will be pushing a lot of water toward the MS Coast. I'm high, and I'm going to stay unless it turns more north and intensifies.

Mina, if you're heading to Houston on Wednesday, you'll be going right through the middle of it, since that's about when it will make landfall. Be very careful if you're driving. Not sure if planes will be flying.

Everyone be careful and make good decisions about whether or not to stay!

Well, looks like I will be riding it out here in Biloxi, just super glad I am in a safe zone
I survived Andrew AND Katrina, I ain't skeered!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
But I survived Mina and Nicolet. LOL
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Latest info has landfall farther west as a Cat 1 around 2:00am tomorrow, Wed. Expect tropical storm winds and a lot of rain from this one here on the Coast.
Well, at least the ms kids are getting a couple of days Extra out of school!
DallasRain's Avatar
stay safe Mina and everyone---I am staying and I am ready

I am from Texas so i am used to tornados and hurricanes
How's everyone on the coast fairing? I think my only concern is wind so far. I'm paranoid about flooding just because the media has been throwing it out there for a week now, but my street actually looks better than after a normal rain.
Its a cakewalk here where I am. Just antsy