My new diet incentives plan

AKA Wayne's Avatar
As I've gotten older, and spend more time sitting down at a computer to work than actually out doing something, I've noticed a big weight gain. To put it simply, DAMN I'm fat.

So, a couple of weeks ago I dusted off the Zone diet plan and have put it into action...but I thought to myself that I need an incentive to help lose these pesky, unwanted pounds. Here's what I've come up with...

lose 25 pounds...reward = 90 minutes with Nicolet.

lose 50 pounds...reward = 90 minutes with Mina.

75 pounds...reward = two hour double, providers to be announced later.

I've already dropped 10, so the first reward should be here before I know it, and I can't wait.

I'll keep y'all posted.
Tekase's Avatar
Haha, love it, that is what I call incentives. Haven't seen Nicolet yet but I know Mina is worth it.
Awwwwwwwwwww.............. I feel so honored to be your incentive!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Wayne, you have picked two awesome goals. Good luck.

This is the absolute cutest plan I've ever heard of. The effectiveness is sure to be higher than any others!! Good luck on your journey, and keep it healthy!