A Pittsburgh Tour

Help me out guys!

I have a friend visiting Pittsburgh soon and he would like to "See the sights" while visiting the area.
Normally, this wouldn't even be an issue as I know quite a few sights to show off around town to folks who have the same interests as me. I like Museums, art, fine food and good blues.
Meanwhile he likes..............sports.
Of course he also likes good food and hot women and uhmmmmmmm SPORTS.

Not a typo, he is a sports nut.
He loves the Steelers, Penguins, Pirates, Cowboys, etc. He just plain likes sports.
Whereas I could take em or leave em.
So I really don't know where the best places to visit are for a sports nut.

So guys,
Give me some ideas, he'll be here several days at least and wants to get out most days for a while.

Oh and if you had to pick just one.
Which stripclub would it be?

burghman1969's Avatar
As far as stripclub, I'd vote for the Penthouse Club. If he likes to gamble, it's only a few blocks from the casino.
bambino's Avatar
Food, Arlechinos in Peters, great food. Fiores Pizza, also in Peters, I think it's the best in town. It's winter, so maybe a hockey game or a Pitt Hoops game. It's funny, there is usually a cool Steelers bar in most cities except Pittsburgh.
Big Stig's Avatar
Hey Bambino, have you ever ventured out of Peters? SM69, ignore Bambino, he's a fool. Who the hell wants to come to a city and then visit one of its nondescript, cookie cutter suburbs? Take him to one or all of the following places:

1) Strip District on a Saturday morning
2) Bar hopping on the Southside, start at Jacks, eat at Fatheads
3) Dinner on Mt Washington, I suggest Le Mont, not because the food is anything spectacular, but because its a way cool place, especially the bar.
4) Penguin game, Consol Center is better than anything in Peters.
5) Heinz History center if he likes that sort of thing
6) Warhol museum if he likes that sort of thing
7) Downtown, cultural district, market square, dinner at Ruth's Chris
8) Sunday brunch at The Grand Concourse

Note: In Pittsburgh, every bar on certain Sunday afternoons is a Steeler bar.
BigStig largely agree with you except I would do Monterrey Bay on Mt. Washington, same spectacular view but great food. LeMont's food is atrocious.
bambino's Avatar
Hey Bambino, have you ever ventured out of Peters? SM69, ignore Bambino, he's a fool. Who the hell wants to come to a city and then visit one of its nondescript, cookie cutter suburbs? Take him to one or all of the following places:

1) Strip District on a Saturday morning
2) Bar hopping on the Southside, start at Jacks, eat at Fatheads
3) Dinner on Mt Washington, I suggest Le Mont, not because the food is anything spectacular, but because its a way cool place, especially the bar.
4) Penguin game, Consol Center is better than anything in Peters.
5) Heinz History center if he likes that sort of thing
6) Warhol museum if he likes that sort of thing
7) Downtown, cultural district, market square, dinner at Ruth's Chris
8) Sunday brunch at The Grand Concourse

Note: In Pittsburgh, every bar on certain Sunday afternoons is a Steeler bar. Originally Posted by Big Stig
Hey Numnuts, I've ventured to far more places in Pittsburgh than you. From what I understand, SM69 is from out Peters way. Why eat an expensive, Average meal at the Lemont. It only takes 5 minutes to look at the view. Why pay $200 for it, If Danielle is still bar tending there, have a couple drinks and leave. Dani's as good as the view. Arlechinos is a Pittsburgh family joint, and a good one, so is Fiores. The Strip is a dump, Delucas for breakfast is good but I bet Jinny will take him to the Gab n Eat tho. Fatheads is good, forget Primantes. Since he's a sports guy I doubt the Warhol place is of interest. C'mon man. And there isn't a cool dedicated Steeler bar here to my knowledge. Nothing approaching the ones in Scottsdale or Lauderdale. Baltimore too. I don't know where Pitt is playing Syracuse, but if it's here, that would be great. I already mentioned Hockey.

Andy fuckin Wharhol? CMon man

PS the original Fiores is very close to Mt Washington and the South Side.
Big Stig's Avatar
Andy fuckin Wharhol? CMon man Originally Posted by bambino
You're such a tool...and a Yinzer! LOL
Wow! Great suggestions and a Tomcat fight. Cool!

Love the Strip on a Saturday morning!
The Gab N Eat Is the best! Bambino, you surprise me.....
He may not enjoy the Warhol as much as I love it.
We will be doing dinner on the Mount sometime while he's in. and perhaps a little bit of a "crawl"

He's looking for a game he might want to see, probably planning the trip around one.

Thanks guys....I knew ya'll would help a gal out.

Keep em coming!
bambino's Avatar
You're such a tool...and a Yinzer! LOL Originally Posted by Big Stig
I am a Yinzer, if I'm a tool, it's a hammer. Andy fuckin Wharhol? I can look at Cambell soup cans in my pantry. Back on topic, take him by the sports center. You can't get in, but he can see the Steelers/Pitt HQ and practice facilities.

Fuckin Andy Wharhol
  • BSer
  • 01-17-2014, 03:39 PM
Heinz history center has an entire floor dedicated to sports history
bambino's Avatar
Take him to Oakmont CC. They are selling their 2016 US Open clothing at the Pro Shop. He would prolly like that. Plus, it's the only Golf course that a national historic landmark. Hoffstats is a pretty good place to eat in Oakmont.

Andy fuckin Wharhol
Big Stig's Avatar
A couple things...I think SM said her friend wanted to see the sights of Pittsburgh, I don't remember her saying he wanted to see the sights of Peters Township. Agreed the food at Monterrey Bay is better, but its not nearly as good as it was before the change in ownership and the service has slipped badly. I recommended LeMont, not because the food was anything special. While I agree its not the best, its far from atrocious. The reason I mentioned it was because of the place itself. Its a very cool place, like stepping into a time machine. Especially the bar. Go there, have a few drinks, take in the view and then stroll down Grandview to Shiloh and eat at the Grille. You'll get great food and spend a lot less money and get your fill of the sights of Pittsburgh along the way.
bambino's Avatar
A few other things. SM said her friend was a sports nut and she was looking for ideas pertaining to sports venues. She already knows the usual sightseeing spots. I suggested Fiores and Arlechinos for two reasons. They are local family owned and IMHO, the best pizza and Italian food that Pittsburgh has to offer. You can eat at Ruth Chris in any city..And I believe Jinny lives down that way, so it would be convenient to visit either place. I wasn't suggesting they spend all their time in Peters Township. I like the Lemont, especially the bar. Great place for a few drinks. I think the food is above average. I usually have the piano player do Charlie Browns theme song. She could also have drinks at the Grandview Saloon and take an incline ride. It's right next door. Latavula is a good place to eat in Mt Washington as well, no view tho.
Big Stig's Avatar
La Tavola is probably the best food you can get on Mt Washington, and trust me, I've been to every place on Mt Washington multiple times. The only dowsides are its not all that nice inside, there is no view and no alcohol. The BYOB is probably a big positive for a lot of people, but I'd rather not have to be bothered and prefer a full bar. The food and service are excellent, though.

I think we'll go there tonight.