The Folly of Fools The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life

By Robert Trivers. Just downloaded it and now reading. Very thought provoking..

It is interesting how we lie so much to ourselves that it is only natural to lie through denial and omission in so many aspects of our lives and with people.
pyramider's Avatar
Where are the pictures of nekkid women?
Where are the pictures of nekkid women? Originally Posted by pyramider

Give me some time to dig some up!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You are just deceiving yourself if you think that type of book has that type of women!

Where are the pictures of nekkid women? Originally Posted by pyramider
pyramider's Avatar
One can hope ...
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL, yep, a large part of deception in men's lives revolves around the pursuit and capture of that sweet, juicy pink thang!!!
liberals lie to themselves and others all the's a problem particular to them.....lying to themselves is the only explanation for how they believe the wacky shit they do.......