Trumps powers are apparently limitless

texassapper's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
Yeah....he can slide down a sewer pipe in a single flush.........
texassapper's Avatar
Yeah....he can slide down a sewer pipe in a single flush......... Originally Posted by matchingmole
Whereas you just tend to stick in the bowl and stink everything up. Basically you're beer shits incarnate.
matchingmole's Avatar
Whereas you just tend to stick in the bowl and stink everything up. Basically you're beer shits incarnate. Originally Posted by texassapper
Whereas you really bit on that one..................
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yuppers! I thought Trump was responsible for that aftermath, but it wasn't my first guess. Obviously it somehow had something to do with Putin or Russia-Russia-Russia, like most everything does these days. But Trump was my my second option.
VitaMan's Avatar
Donald Trump has claimed to have hit a hole-in-one at his golf course in Florida while playing with a former world No1, Ernie Els.

The former president released a lengthy statement about the shot, which was said to have happened on Saturday, late on Monday.

Earlier, a federal judge said Trump likely committed felonies during his attempts to overturn his election defeat by Joe Biden. Also on Monday, the House January 6 committee recommended criminal contempt charges for two aides, Dan Scavino and Peter Navarro.

If the hole-in-one statement that followed was meant to change the conversation, it was not Trump’s first such gambit.

It was however marginally less dramatic than his move last week, when a prosecutor who resigned from an investigation of Trump’s business affairs said he believed the former president committed “numerous” felonies.

Trump followed that with a 108-page lawsuit alleging a vast conspiracy to delegitimise his presidency, led by Hillary Clinton.

In his Monday statement, Trump said: “Many people are asking, so I’ll give it to you now, it is 100% true. While playing with the legendary golfer, Ernie Els, winner of four majors and approximately 72 other tournaments throughout the world, Gene Sauers, winner of the Senior US Open, Ken Duke and Mike Goodes, both excellent tour players, I made a hole-in-one.”

A video accompanied the statement. It showed Trump picking a ball out of the hole, but not the shot he said put it there.

It has been widely reported that Trump cheats at golf. In 2019, the golf writer Rick Reilly published a book, Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump.

As well as reporting routine rule violations, with sources including the PGA Tour pro Brad Faxon and the actor Samuel L Jackson, Reilly wrote about Trump’s habit of claiming dubious feats.

“Donald’s Trump’s boast about winning 18 club championships,” Reilly wrote, “is a lie that’s so over-the-top Crazytown it loses all credibility among golfers the second it’s out of his mouth.”

Reilly also wrote that Trump International in West Palm Beach, Florida, now the site of Trump’s claimed hole-in-one, “has a plaque on the wall that lists all the men who’ve won the men’s club championship. Trump appears three times: 1999, 2001, and 2009. But hold on. The course wasn’t even open in 1999.”

Reilly also examined Trump’s claim to have a handicap of 2.8. The man generally considered the greatest golfer of all time, Jack Nicklaus, plays off 3.4. In Reilly’s words: “If Trump is a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter.”

On Monday, Trump’s hole-in-one claim met with widespread incredulity – and plenty of comparisons to the famous tale of Kim Jong-il, a North Korean dictator who claimed to have hit 11 holes-in-one in his first ever round.
texassapper's Avatar
Well it turns out that the first time the Press has ever reported on Black on Black violence, it has determined that the two Black millionaires who got into a slap fest are both victims of, you guessed it, RAYCISM!!

This is about a much larger systemic issue rooted in white supremacist culture designed to police the behaviour of Blacks amongst the who’s who in Hollywood and beyond.
Donald Trump has claimed to have hit a hole-in-one at his golf course in Florida while playing with a former world No1, Ernie Els.

The former president released a lengthy statement about the shot, which was said to have happened on Saturday, late on Monday.

Earlier, a federal judge said Trump likely committed felonies during his attempts to overturn his election defeat by Joe Biden. Also on Monday, the House January 6 committee recommended criminal contempt charges for two aides, Dan Scavino and Peter Navarro.

If the hole-in-one statement that followed was meant to change the conversation, it was not Trump’s first such gambit.

It was however marginally less dramatic than his move last week, when a prosecutor who resigned from an investigation of Trump’s business affairs said he believed the former president committed “numerous” felonies.

Trump followed that with a 108-page lawsuit alleging a vast conspiracy to delegitimise his presidency, led by Hillary Clinton.

In his Monday statement, Trump said: “Many people are asking, so I’ll give it to you now, it is 100% true. While playing with the legendary golfer, Ernie Els, winner of four majors and approximately 72 other tournaments throughout the world, Gene Sauers, winner of the Senior US Open, Ken Duke and Mike Goodes, both excellent tour players, I made a hole-in-one.”

A video accompanied the statement. It showed Trump picking a ball out of the hole, but not the shot he said put it there.

It has been widely reported that Trump cheats at golf. In 2019, the golf writer Rick Reilly published a book, Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump.

As well as reporting routine rule violations, with sources including the PGA Tour pro Brad Faxon and the actor Samuel L Jackson, Reilly wrote about Trump’s habit of claiming dubious feats.

“Donald’s Trump’s boast about winning 18 club championships,” Reilly wrote, “is a lie that’s so over-the-top Crazytown it loses all credibility among golfers the second it’s out of his mouth.”

Reilly also wrote that Trump International in West Palm Beach, Florida, now the site of Trump’s claimed hole-in-one, “has a plaque on the wall that lists all the men who’ve won the men’s club championship. Trump appears three times: 1999, 2001, and 2009. But hold on. The course wasn’t even open in 1999.”

Reilly also examined Trump’s claim to have a handicap of 2.8. The man generally considered the greatest golfer of all time, Jack Nicklaus, plays off 3.4. In Reilly’s words: “If Trump is a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter.”

On Monday, Trump’s hole-in-one claim met with widespread incredulity – and plenty of comparisons to the famous tale of Kim Jong-il, a North Korean dictator who claimed to have hit 11 holes-in-one in his first ever round. Originally Posted by VitaMan
So the notable golfers who were actually there are lying, but liberal journalist are telling the truth.

More “Bizzarro World” from the left.

Just because you hate Trump does not mean he isn’t a great golfer.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well it turns out that the first time the Press has ever reported on Black on Black violence, it has determined that the two Black millionaires who got into a slap fest are both victims of, you guessed it, RAYCISM!!

This is about a much larger systemic issue rooted in white supremacist culture designed to police the behaviour of Blacks amongst the who’s who in Hollywood and beyond. Originally Posted by texassapper
Article in a nutshell >>> You can take the man out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the man.
LexusLover's Avatar
Donald Trump has claimed to have hit a hole-in-one .... Originally Posted by VitaMan
What's wrong? You never have? Figures!
LexusLover's Avatar
Article in a nutshell >>> You can take the man out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the man. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
He was concerned about his "wife" when .....

... he yelled ... "fucking mouth"?

There are some sluts who attend those bashes and don't like that kinda talk going on at all.

... So Vita is saying that TRUMP didn't really get a hole-in-one?

Why should we be surprised? ... Vita also told us that
Trump colluded with the Russians... The Hunter laptop is fake,
and the Hillary people DID NOT spy on Trump.

Why do you mates even give his posts the time o' day?
Why waste yer time with a loss like him - whose WRONG
a lot more than he's right.

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think the point is that we now live in a society where the asshole bar is ankle high. (Like bone spurs maybe ).

Thank you Trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think the point is that we now live in a society where the asshole bar is ankle high. (Like bone spurs maybe ).

Thank you Trump. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

is it asthma high? funny how the far left radicals (that means U YR) make big nothing poofter stink about Trump's 5 deferrals for bone spurs after being a star baseball player. (Trump was actually considered a pro baseball prospect) while in complete DA NILE of the FACT that Biden also took 5 deferrals and as a former high school football player "suddenly" developed asthma also to avoid the draft.

i'm really disappointed in you old "frenemy". we used to have such glorious battles in the days of the wild wild west of the political forum. now you have reduced yourself to an annoying troll of the far left. oh wait .. that's what you always were. never mind.

Precious_b's Avatar
Miss Gilda Radner.