Trouble in Paradise

When You Are Ready's Avatar
Good eveing, I'm a new member; and today I upgraded to Preminum Access. I put this on my Visa and felt comfortable doing it because I pay all the bills, and my wife never sees it. Because my wife was off getting her hair cut I was able to enjoy several of the advantages of the upgrade. Now the problem. Shortly after my wife came home she got a call asking if she had put a 30 dollar charge on our card. She said, "no," and asked if I had. Of course in my most inocent voice, I, too, replied in the negative. Please help: Am I still a Preminum Access member, and are you aware of this happening before?
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
First, welcome to ECCIE. But damn, I suspect that call made you quite nervous. I've not heard of this happening before, but I'm going to copy your post to the staff area and see if I can learn what you need to do. You still show up as a PA member.

Stay tuned - I'll let you know what needs to be done soon as I find out.

When You Are Ready's Avatar
I've read many of your insightful post, and I knew if anyone could help it would be you. Also, thank you for the welcome. I wish I had found this site long ago. I'm in the progess of setting up a date, and I look forward to writing a review on this awesome lady.
vicinms's Avatar
Shortly after my wife came home she got a call asking if she had put a 30 dollar charge on our card. Originally Posted by When You Are Ready
Ouch! Isn't that just the way it works sometime? You think you have everything covered and then WHAM! Been there myself.

It was probably just one of those Fraud Alert things that they pay more attention to this time of the year. I think there is a lot of CC fraud with porn sites so they were being cautious. You probably could've called the CC company later and said it was authorized, but I'd check your online statement of activity to see if they processed the charge. If not, your Premium Access will likely disappear once ECCIE figures out the payment isn't coming. If it does show on your electronic statement, you'll want to try and intercept the paper statement before the wife does!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Good advice from vicinms. Personally, I have a credit card that is only mine - my wife never sees the bills, although we have a hands off policy about each other's mail. You might want to get a separate cc and have the bill go to a PO Box.

So far, your still showing up as PA, so keep watching your status. If it changes to registered member, you know the cc charge has been denied, and you'll have to try again.

But...if you write a good review about the lady you're going to see, you'll get 6 weeks of PA free. Take a look at the link in my signature block to see some examples of good reviews.

Hope this works out.

When You Are Ready's Avatar
Once again thank both of you for your suggestions. You have been a great help. The lady that I'm going to meet has been great in helping me set up our meeting, and I look forward to following your directions in writing a review of our meeting.
Never had someone call about $30. I don't know if a pre-paid visa will work, good luck and Merry Christmas.
  • oherc
  • 01-28-2012, 03:00 PM
My cc company randomly calls me and asks if I charged something, the difference it's my card. He must be a user on "Her card." and they probably don't purchase much online, so they thought maybe someone was using the card fraudulently, so they inquired with the owner to make sure its a valid purchase.. what luck!!

This happens a lot during XMAS season
(I just read the dates of this... doh!!)