Two Conservatives, One Glaringly Obvious Conclusion..

Two articles from my two favorite living conservatives. Ahem, REAL conservatives. As you read these articles, consider that as of this moment, housing has declined 33% since the market bust. If that figure does not mean anything to you first, consider taking some basic history and economics courses. Second, grasp the fact that that figure is now two percent higher than the decline of housing during the Great Depression. Also consider as you read these that the share of U.S. national income taken home by its workforce now stands at the lowest point OF ALL TIME. This, while at the same time U.S. companies are enjoying record profits. Consider for a moment why Boehner and his GOP/Tea Party majority congress are more focused on Obama explaining our involvement in Libya than they are in writing a jobs bill, or writing ANY bill for that matter that would ultimately help boost the economy.

Please read BEFORE commenting, or move on down the line and help Maya decide on a new perfume.,00.html


"On these terms, today's GOP could not be less conservative. I'd insist it's less conservative than Obama. It does not present reality-based reform for emergent problems. It simply reiterates dogma and ruthlessly polices dissent or debate."