Encounter: Meh Madison

User ID: -
Date: 11-12-24
Name: Madison
Phone: 716-290-3376
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://escortalligator.com.listcraw...falo/178927675
City: Buffalo
State: New York
Address: S. Buffalo
Activities: Bbbj, ,bbbj, , more bbbj, k9 (Staff edit)
Hair Length and Color: Long black past shoulders
Age: Late 20s early. 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: She probably could look pretty amazing if she lost a cpl lbs. Shes not horribly unattractive tho. Youd talk to her in a bar. (Staff edit)
Recommendation: No
She’s on Seeking as well. Been eying her on there. This sucks and sorry for such a shitty time.
Thanks for your review. Saved me bigtime as I was going to contact
her next week. Thanks Again
ben dover's Avatar
Too bad, sorry for the loss.
change2chance's Avatar
(Steff edit)

Here I was wondering if it's the Madison in lockport who disappeared. Nevermind good review broski. Jen in South B
give me a crappy time(Rushed and cut short) and said her BF was on his way home(Really it was another client) lmao good times
  • kosti
  • 11-15-2024, 10:34 PM
Thanks for the warning. Will pass on her.
Excuseme Dr. GOOD SIR MOD. Idlike to know just where I ever mentioned use of drugs anywhere in this review that you approved.This place is a joke. Medical condition assumption , yeah ill eat that one about the falling asleep but I never mentioned drug use. Must be awesome living in a world where your interperetation is law.
change2chance's Avatar
Excuseme Dr. GOOD SIR MOD. Idlike to know just where I ever mentioned use of drugs anywhere in this review that you approved.This place is a joke. Medical condition assumption , yeah ill eat that one about the falling asleep but I never mentioned drug use. Must be awesome living in a world where your interperetation is law. Originally Posted by GadgetGuy
Since when did mentioning a city need an edit too but I digress. The rules have definitely switched up somewhere or I missed something