Locker Room and Private Forums vs Public Posting

Whispers's Avatar
As our dearly departed Leopard so wisely stated......

I think all of you guys bitch and complain in the locker room just because you are afraid of the provider........ Originally Posted by The_Leopard
I can agree with him that these kind of guys are really wusses.....

I post in the locker room so I don't have to listen to a female opinion on a subject or to limit information to those that pay for or earn the right to that information......

But I could care less about hurting anyone's feelings and can easily say things in CoEd or other forums.....

What does the Locker Room and Private Forums offer you?
The locker rooms are a place to vent without (directly) getting backlash from the opposite sex.

Obviously there are two sides to this business, two sides of the story if you will...
We(as providers) cannot always speak our mind on co-ed subjects for the fear of losing business for "poor attitude" etc.

I've learned that unfortunately nothing is secret or private in the locker rooms, and I personally will live by the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" philosophy.

There are plenty of others who are not afraid to speak their mind to anyone and everyone, and I can respect an extent. Some just like to stir up drama and hide behind their keyboard with their banter.
I think I mainly use it to chit chat with ladies who do not live in the area I live in.

And talk about pink toe nail polish........

As far as public postings, some things I do hold back, people misjudge or twist your words. I stay far away from certain threads, like NBA, or she shorted my time, lets throw her under a bridge, or he is stalking me. Only to continue pages and pages and pages only to find it was only lies and a make believe story.

Some people are afraid to say certain things, for fear of losing business or for fear of not being able to see a certain provider they really wanted to see. That kinda sucks, I always find the "real" person will come out eventually.

Especially when we see threads where hobbyist and providers completely go ape shit.
What does the Locker Room and Private Forums offer you? Originally Posted by Whispers
In a nut shell, It's an area where the guys can be "guys". Unfortunately, information leaks. There is truly no way for any information to remain totally private. Even without the LR private information exchanged between provider/client, client/client, provider/provider leaks.

The best advice I could give is...... If you don't want your dirty laundy exposed,,,,, then don't say it!
budman33's Avatar
You don't care for others? That is why not too many womens talk to you. This room is a place for the boys to act macho for the ladys. It makes me boring.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
You don't care for others? That is why not too many womens talk to you. This room is a place for the boys to act macho for the ladys. It makes me boring. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta

You sound like The_Leopard.
Whispers's Avatar
You don't care for others? That is why not too many womens talk to you. This room is a place for the boys to act macho for the ladys. It makes me boring. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
I have more women talking to me every day then I can figure out what to do with.

Who says a Leopard can't change their spots?
Why do the Austins ladys say you are a fat man with bad smell? Are you really macho or a titre? I am trying to understand. Forgive my English, please sir. I am trying to learn. Some things you can learn without school. Come to NLdo. We will teach you.
Whispers's Avatar
Been there many times in the past. Not much different then Austin. Those I want to spend money on love me..... those that aren't of interest resent it..... Fools fall for what the losers have to say......

NL has too many issues these days to get at the money it used too. You should work on improving your backyard before coming into our playground.
sixxbach's Avatar
Why do the Austins ladys say you are a fat man with bad smell? Are you really macho or a titre? I am trying to understand. Forgive my English, please sir. I am trying to learn. Some things you can learn without school. Come to NLdo. We will teach you. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
Keep in mind that the providers who usually say things like that are the same old and worn providers whose time has come and gone. To be fair, its not always the old ones who say that but the young and dumb. The smart and more successful providers don't talk about hobbyists because they have much more smarter business sense. Always assume that if a provider is talking to you about another hobbyist, she is talking about YOU to another hobbyist......

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Why do the Austins ladys say you are a fat man with bad smell? Originally Posted by LaredoZeta

Ladies that feel the need to tell you these things have their own insecurities and have a problem with their own self image. When I am in a session the last thing I want to hear about is the looks or smell of another hobbyist.
Whispers's Avatar
Always assume that if a provider is talking to you about another hobbyist, she is talking about YOU to another hobbyist...... Originally Posted by sixxbach

boobs mcgee's Avatar
there is NOTHING private on the internet - that includes the locker room. if you want to keep it quiet why are you posting it on the internet to begin with?

there is an expectation that anything you want private you shouldn't post on the internet. duh.
boobs mcgee's Avatar
Why do the Austins ladys say you are a fat man with bad smell? Are you really macho or a titre? I am trying to understand. Forgive my English, please sir. I am trying to learn. Some things you can learn without school. Come to NLdo. We will teach you. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
Porque las señoras que le dicen que esta hablando su mente, pero tienen miedo de que si ellos lo dicen en público que no se les atacan y herir a su negocio.

si usted es un verdadero Zeta, y no tengo ninguna razón para creer que no lo son, entonces usted puede ofrecer la protección de las señoras para que puedan hablar en público. Yo te respeto.