Showcase look and then theReal Thing

lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 10-30-2016, 05:21 PM
First I know I spend a lot of time in SC so I haven't seen many providers but when I do only a few really dress or come dress all dolled up like the pics in there showcases,or is it only me ?
Maybe if you request she wear one of the outfits worn in the picture?
I always try to get all dolled up like the lady in my photos unless otherwise requested, but I also like to meet for drinks or a meal before getting to play time.
tornado82's Avatar
Yeah, it sucks when they answer the door with pajamas and headrags on.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
That's why in my photo shoot barely wore any makeup because I don't wear a whole lot of makeup anyway but I would wear it if requested
holmes50's Avatar
I can take either or...........its when you show up and she has all this ink on her that was hidden in her pics. If I know going in she has all that then okay.
  • 1+1
  • 10-31-2016, 05:45 AM
Yeah, it sucks when they answer the door with pajamas and headrags on. Originally Posted by tornado82
HAHAHAHAHA ,Headrags on.Damn.shlumpadinka!Sorry you had to deal with that.
Mysterydate023's Avatar
I usually try to dress nicely, for a meet. Nice, not baggy or faded jeans, a button down shirt over a t-shirt, hair combed, a bit of splash-splash on the neck, so it is disheartening when the lady meets you in sweats and unceremoniously "gets comfortable" before you can even get through the door. Part of the enjoyment for me is the undressing, or seeing the lady in her lingerie. Sure, first few times, she's dolled up, makeup done, hair done well, dressed to kill, but I don't expect all that on a last minute date, but you better knock my socks off if we planned this a week ago. Soon, though, like with marriage, complacency sets in, and now she meets you with less and less preparation. And it doesn't even have to be lingerie. One of my best times started when the lady meet me wearing a nice, simple black cocktail dress. Made what was underneath all the more alluring.
Luckily I'm not too glammed up in any of my photos so it's hard for me to not look at least almost as cute in person as I do in my pictures. Every once in a while, I'll greet my companion in a lingerie set. Of course, that only works when I'm hosting. Besides that, I'll wear a seasonally appropriate dress that is approximately knee-length, with heels, earrings, and light make up.
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
Let me just state that Lena is more than just "cute." I've seen her in various states of dress, from a dress (yes, very hot) to a silk robe and she could wear a burlap bag and still be sexy as hell. I think it's the gleam in her eye and the wry smile on her face that give her away. . . She's anything but innocent but if you saw her on the street that would be your assessment.

Luckily I'm not too glammed up in any of my photos so it's hard for me to not look at least almost as cute in person as I do in my pictures. Every once in a while, I'll greet my companion in a lingerie set. Of course, that only works when I'm hosting. Besides that, I'll wear a seasonally appropriate dress that is approximately knee-length, with heels, earrings, and light make up. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
albundy's Avatar
Naked is the way to go for me. Answering the door that way is totally fucking awesome!!!

Or wrapped in a towel with hair still wet is cool too.

Had a chick one time open the door wearing sweat pants and shirt. Licking her fingers because of eating potato chips. Walked to the bed and wiped off the crumbs with her hands, balled up the chips bag and tossed it into the garbage can. Then she proceeded to take a piss with the door wide open while talking to me. Wiped with a little TP, and then off came her clothes.

Needless to say, Al Bundy did no pussy eating that day.

BTW - This was an ECCIE chick, not someone I saw on BP.
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
A variant of this question recently came up on one of the TER boards. My response then was that I've seen all kinds of outfits from dresses to pirate costumes to casual to lingerie. One of my all time favs was a gorgeous AA provider who was wearing a white robe and nothing else, reclining on the bed with the robe strategically open. The contrast against her dark skin was simply amazing and for her, that was the perfect look.
DallasRain's Avatar
I dress according to my modd.......whatever it is though,I always try to look my best.....after all we are "selling a product",so it needs to be presented properly....right???
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
First I know I spend a lot of time in SC so I haven't seen many providers but when I do only a few really dress or come dress all dolled up like the pics in there showcases,or is it only me ? Originally Posted by lat
Hmmm. I don't see the point in putting out an image I can't keep up.
I get as dolled up (sometimes more) than my pictures UNLESS my prospective date suggests otherwise.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
I look like my pics, nothing i eouldnt normlally wear and minimal makeup. I wouldnt want a guy to visit me and be like, "Uhhh where's Ms T???"