Things that should never be done covered

tornado82's Avatar
Most providers are going to do FS covered and a few will do BJ's covered. However, some things should always be done bare.

HJ's and Russian should never be done covered.

I've had 3 BP girls do a HJ covered, and one girl did Russian covered. Even had one do a footjob covered.

I've had 3 BP girls do a HJ covered, and one girl did Russian covered. Even had one do a footjob covered. Originally Posted by tornado82
3 girls?

What 'time' did you shower (how many hours or days had it been) prior the HJ Russian and the footjob?

FYI None of us ladies like dick cheese!
tornado82's Avatar
I can guarantee you that showering wasn't an issue. However, the cover prevented me from "showering" them with a gift.
Hummm. Seems like you hit the unlucky jackpot.

Need to move on from here and ask beforehand if it is covered.
Hmmmm, a covered foot job speaks volumes!!!!
IMO homegirl was very clear w/you without the use of words

....And from your 60 dollar reviews you haven't
been a generous participant of showering any lady with a nice gift
Seeking ~P's fanny should never be covered. Its a crime to hide that. Same goes for Lily Kat Wood, I would.
I don't expect anything extra when I do my providing, however when it is given to me, I am very appreciative as it helps me pay my mortgage

I always keep a clean home, and I try my best to provide the clients with fresh amenities and beverages. The shower or tub baths are all free and are not a part of the clocked time. I rarely look at the clock when in session, as I really don't care how long you stay as long as you are being nice and you are a gentlemen...

I offer un -covered oral if the guy is clean and fresh. I can only offer my showers, and cannot force anyone to get in there, however most of my guys are willing participants, because they know it will net them a big return on their investment...

Now as far as extra payments goes, I do not require it nor do I up sell my services, but I feel like if you are happy with me, and you like my services and you can financially afford it then even a small monetary donation besides the service fee would help me buy more supplies and amenities to keep my place stocked up ...Every little bit helps.

Thank you for this thread. I really enjoy participating in these kinds of commentary.
My whole post just went away due to data base error...
Don't feel like writing it all over again, as it was lengthy and informative....

Good thread. Keep up the good interaction on the board...

No it didn't Mel I can see it.
DallasRain's Avatar
a covered blowjob is like having a Ziploc bag in your mouth! Uggghhhh!!!
Priscilla St. James's Avatar
Rolling Stones...OMG Aero Smith...Should never ever be covered what are these nuts thinking...but geez who sucks on Ziploc yuck!!!!
Priscilla St. James's Avatar
Gosh Mel.. I wanna come over! lol
I don't expect anything extra when I do my providing, however when it is given to me, I am very appreciative as it helps me pay my mortgage

I always keep a clean home, and I try my best to provide the clients with fresh amenities and beverages. The shower or tub baths are all free and are not a part of the clocked time. I rarely look at the clock when in session, as I really don't care how long you stay as long as you are being nice and you are a gentlemen...

I offer un -covered oral if the guy is clean and fresh. I can only offer my showers, and cannot force anyone to get in there, however most of my guys are willing participants, because they know it will net them a big return on their investment...

Now as far as extra payments goes, I do not require it nor do I up sell my services, but I feel like if you are happy with me, and you like my services and you can financially afford it then even a small monetary donation besides the service fee would help me buy more supplies and amenities to keep my place stocked up ...Every little bit helps.

Thank you for this thread. I really enjoy participating in these kinds of commentary.
M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson always have been such a sweetie.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Fuck the russians...though I think together we shall kill off china..
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Covered Russian or covered foot job? Now that's just super crazy lol.