Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 03-30-2020, 09:28 AM
I have seriously got the worst case of both
Cabin fever and BDSM FEVER
IN THE WORLD!!!!!> I cant give up everything!!!!!
Bars. Churches.
Nail salons. Hair salons.
( but my home, yes ! )
Need normalcy back !
Very well said Zena. There are a lot of people who are feeling couped up inside their houses. My guess for those providers who are willing to risk it,their phone may ring may be ringing more this week, than last week.
MartyRabb's Avatar
I mean, you could do a BDSM session in the middle of Walmart or CVS... at least, right up until the cops arrive. Would probably be longer at Walmart than CVS

Staying couped up is tough, especially if you have a low boredom threshold. Hang in there, Zena!
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Zena I have faith in you. You can do this.

On the other hand, if you do decide to go to Walmart, I do hope that you get it all filmed.

Stay safe.
Yes, Cabin Fever is a thing!! I am so ready for this to be over with!! Not sure about the BDSM, but horniness sure is a thing!
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto..I am so stir crazy and ready to rock n roll on The Highway..I need a good roadtrip!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Since I've gone on self isolating, my libido has gone through the roof.

Think it's because we know that we cannot be intimate right now that causes us to really want to have sex or be naughty in other ways.

Driving me nuts.

Did set the alarm and went out yesterday morning at 6 AM. Trying to not be in the crowds. Still didn't find what I was looking for.

Went home. Again. Sitting here reading topics. Taking a television break. About to read a book here in a bit.

Bored. Very bored although I have a ton of stuff around the house that I could be doing. Making sloth an art form these days!

BDSM without exchanging bodily fluids is possible. Just be careful.
Wear protection, all over your body.
Spank that ass!!!
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 04-09-2020, 06:07 PM
Yes - agreed- to all of you!
jonboy52's Avatar
This is definitely a thing. I'm working and can only think about being tied, gagged, balls stretched and pegged hard.
jonboy, you forgot to add 'being poppered up' to your kink recipe.
melannie_star's Avatar
I wonder how many took advantage and chastity?
  • Shaft
  • 04-11-2020, 10:59 AM
I've chillin, working out a lot, and watching a lot more porn and video / pics chat with some of the ladies. thank god for cashapp .
pmdelites's Avatar
we cant control what happens in the world or what happens to us.
we can only control how we react to those things.

if you want to feel the fever, feel it.
if you want to quench the fever, quench it.
if you want to get it on, get it on to your delites.
just prepare for & accept responsibility for the positive and/or negative consequences of your choice.

take charge of your life and emotions.
pmdelites's Avatar
double post by the eccie clock-watching daemon.