Begging, is this the new normal?

Budman's Avatar
WTF is going on here. It seems like this is becoming the equivalent of the beggars standing on the street corner with a sign that says will work for food. Nothing could be further from the truth. Their job is standing on the corner begging for money. Here we have hobbyists continually begging for discounts because it’s their b-day. Are you fucking 12 years old? You’re asking complete strangers for gifts because you have a b-day. Jesus Christ grow up. We have providers begging for air conditioners that you can buy for a $150 bucks or a locksmith to rekey all their shit. These providers are charging $200 per hour and up and have the audacity to ask strangers for freebies. Others just come right out and ask for donations because of hard times. You ever think of saving a few bucks for a rainy day? This is a hobby for the guys and a business for the ladies. Treat it as such. I can’t imagine asking my customers to just donate a little extra because I’m short this month and my customers don’t come to me to provide free shit. I’m not in the business to give shit away. Occasionally there is a legitimate cause here that warrants help to a fellow human being but those cases are getting over shadowed by the constant begging that is taking place. It is getting difficult to tell the wheat from the chaff.

That’s my bitch for the day. Take it or leave it.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-14-2015, 10:44 AM
Well I bet you have been to a few goat ropings but not to many carnivals.
Budman's Avatar
Well I bet you have been to a few goat ropings but not to many carnivals. Originally Posted by oden

What does that even mean?
DallasRain's Avatar
welcome to the New America

{the land of the "entitlement seekers"}

If I cant make my own way,I am in the wrong business....I would NEVER ask my clients for money......that seems too intimate to me...that is what my family is for!

great post!
Camille1987's Avatar
Any ladies need a laptop? I have an older model but works great. Worth about $75. I can by you a #1 at whataburger too. Pm me
glade55's Avatar
air conditioners ?

NavyManSA2004's Avatar
I have no use for beggers; they always hang out outside Shipley's donuts on Commerce/Presa downtown. When a 20-something asks me for $$, I tell them to get out of my face!
My favorite are "moms" telling me a sob story about how they don't have food for thier kids tonight.....but they won't walk less than a block away to beg for food in front of HEB. You know where people would actually have the option of giving her food to take home...

I used to buy bums rotisserie chickens and canned food and can openers. If they had dogs I'd have boxes of dog biscuits. Or tell them to follow me into a bar/restaurant so I can buy them a drink. "Real" ones will order coffee or an iced tea/soda because they can sit there in the AC/heat and keep getting refills. For those people I'd buy a meal and several real drinks as well. If they just ordered a beer or a highball and chugged it you knew they were scam artists.
Guest010619's Avatar
I've had some approach me while at the drive thru at fast food restaurants. Shortly after Katrina, there seemed to be an influx of people asking for handouts. I gave one lady $5.00 and she asked for a burger anyway. I told her that's what the five was for. She went to several other cars and asked them for handouts as well.
One old gentleman asked me for a couple of dollars so he could buy a coffee. It was very cold outside so once he got inside I told the order taker at the microphone to give him whatever he wanted and I would take care of the bill. He got a good meal along with his hot coffee.
uncut78xxx's Avatar
For somebody "in need" I will give the shirt of my back...
I been known to feed a few homeless or buy them coffee...
Not looking for gifts myself... I work for what I need and
while I may not be able to afford all I want, I sure as hell am not looking for handouts.... Now if you offer of the goodness of your heart, then it becomes a different matter
My favorite was the guy who stood at Wurzbach/I-10 with a sign that said, "Not hungry. Don't want to work. Just want beer." People threw money at him from two lanes over.
RudeDog777's Avatar
Honesty is a good way to go. I don't mind giving as long as it's appreciated.
'Murica. Where people don't know the definition of hard work anymore.

(not all, but a good portion!)
inspector farquar's Avatar
Honesty is a good way to go. I don't mind giving as long as it's appreciated. Originally Posted by RudeDog777
Sir, by the definition I understand, giving has no strings. Otherwise it is an obligation. Surely the poor and disenfranchised and mentally unstable have enough weighing on them already?
RudeDog777's Avatar
Yes, giving has no strings.

At those street corners when I hand out a buck or change, no one person has refused no matter how small the gift. I would like to think it's valued or appreciated...otherwise they would not take it.