My Hobby Regrets : (

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
These are the things or experiences I regret doing in the hobby. They are mistakes I regret and will never do again.

1. Meeting a "provider" from BP at a Motel 6, turned out to be LE.
2. Paying 150 for a covered handjob at a strip club.
3. Using BP in my early hobby days.
4. Passing out drunk at a strip club and discovering my empty wallet.
5. Dancer was over- upselling me on extras and left me broke.
6. Paying a NY provider $1,000 for the worst session ever, she had no idea what she was doing, but she was hot though.
7. I nearly got into a fight with another hobbyist over a dancer at a strip joint. Club security stopped it before it began.
8. Paying with a credit card at a strip club and getting charged a mountain of extra fees.

I regret all these experiences...

And I will never make those mistakes ever again...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
A fight over a stripper in the club

That's the story I wanna hear. Spill it!
kerwil62's Avatar
Once you know better, you hobby better!

Too bad millions of other guys can't learn or don't want to learn from their mistakes. Most of them don't even realize they're fucking up!

I'm with EA, give us the story of the stripper situation! LOL!!
Your sins are forgiven, my son. For your penance, you must undergo an exwhorecism. Do not fear; YM is an expert at this
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
A fight over a stripper in the club

That's the story I wanna hear. Spill it! Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I was at the Ship with a beautiful blonde spinner with sexy green eyes, drinking with her and celebrating my birthday...she was my birthday present to myself. She danced for me and then we got ready to go to the VIP. Once there we were waiting for the waitress lady to bring our bottle. When this drunk middle eastern guy walked into the VIP and started hugging, trying to kiss her, and groping the chick I was with. I was so enraged and she kept trying to get him off of her and to push him away. I got up, pushed him, and I told him to fuck off and to leave my chick alone, that I got there first, and that he needed to go find a different chick to mess with elsewhere. He stopped grabbing her, he let her go, then he called me a bitch and dared me to do something. I was going punch him in the face...the waitress saw what was going on and she told that dude to leave or she was calling security. He stood there for a few minutes, but when security showed up...he decided to leave. Then me and the blonde had our fun after everyone left us alone in there . I mentioned this in one of my reviews.
Russ38's Avatar
LMAO AC....We all have our regrets dude, hobbyist and providers alike I'm sure. Thanks for sharing.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Thank you sir.....

Man you have got to learn to use your powers better. Spidey has much more than strength ya know lol
Wakeup's Avatar
50% of your regrets happened at a strip'd think you'd have learned your lesson around 10% or so...
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Wow I hope the hobby get a little better for you honey.
pyramider's Avatar
50% of your regrets happened at a strip'd think you'd have learned your lesson around 10% or so... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Bare titties and booze equate to slow learning.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
It's interesting how something so dramatic can still be fun. Just one of those experiences sounds like a enough for me. You are quite the trooper.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
1. Giving up my free for life p411 membership
2. Spending my retirement $ in strip clubs.

Ok, I really only regret (1)
bojulay's Avatar
The lessen then is stay away from BP, strip clubs, and hot but clueless NY providers.

Very good advice.
Mine is not seeing Virginia Luv more before she retired.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 03-30-2013, 07:46 PM
Paying 250 for a FBSM++
Passing out in the champagne room