FB now??

So i see alot of girls are using Face book for advertising now..

Forgive my ignorance, but what search terms are used to find these ladies??
  • oherc
  • 02-16-2013, 01:09 PM
+1 i just asked this yesterday.... as well
bluffcityguy's Avatar
With all due respect... if you're using your Facebook profile for hobbying, you're a stupid fool looking for trouble, and girls using Facebook for advertising are just asking for attention from law enforcement.

I'll say this slowly, so you understand:

You are NOT Facebook's customer.

You are Facebook's PRODUCT.

Facebook exists for one and only one purpose: to collect data about you and sell it to advertisers. They are NOT interested in protecting your privacy; if anything, they want you to relinquish as much privacy as you can.

It is only a matter of time before Facebook finds its security compromised, and a metric fuckton of data that they've collected about their members will be widely available to anyone who wants it.

The first rule of Facebook privacy is: If you don't want to see it on the front page of The New York Times, don't put it on Facebook. That especially goes for activities like the hobby, which are illegal and which can well cost you your job, relationships, and reputation if you find yourself outed.

You Have Been Warned.


JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
+1. Facebook is a bad idea for the hobby.

bladtinzu's Avatar
+1. Facebook is a bad idea for the hobby.

JaG Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS
But kick ass for hot UTR's at half the rate of older worn out.. Well get my point?
Vachon's Avatar
Agreed. If you use FB for "hobbying" (and you are married or otherwise attached) you may as well call a divorce lawyer and get ready to need them. The only safe thing you can do on FB is scan pages that are open for viewing by people the girls have not previously "friended". If you post to their page or "friend" them your activity goes public. And what happens if God forbid a girl is "off balance" mentally and starts posting to your page later. All your 10,000 friends will see that post on their newsfeeds. Yep, Facebook is a REALLY bad idea for hobbyists. I have seen a few of the local girls in the Gulf Coast area with FB pages they do not do business on. It's simply their personal pages and there is waaaaay to much personal information on those pages. I found them because I had their email addresses and I allowed FB to use my Yahoo account to search for my friends FB pages and these girl's pages came up. I never sent them friend requests and will never tell anyone who they are. They have personal lives just like I do and I will not invade their personal lives with friend requests. All our personal lives should remain personal and most of all PRIVATE. I would get truly paranoid if one of them sent me a friend request as my spouse an kids all have FB pages of their own and would notice. I will, therefore, never invade the girl's privacy that way either. As I said and others stated earlier - Facebook is a REALLY BAD idea for the guys as well as the ladies to use in seeking connections. Your Facebook page should be as PG-13 rated as possible.