"Never forget"

gfejunkie's Avatar
Well, unless President Trump is running for re-election...


Can't have too much patriotism out there. Bad for demoncRATS. They hate patriots. Loves them some mooslims though.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sadly true ,,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 08-14-2020, 08:45 AM
Biden is on the tube as wanting islamic education in public schools.

DPSTs have no concept of the Constitution and separation of church and state.

They have another uncontrollable part of the plantation - radical Islam - the more they bring in from shit hles like Somalia- the more conflict - radical islam is not compatible with marxism as a government - it will be a civil War - the conservatives for the Constitution - v the Marxist left - v the radical islamists.

and Biden just drools and goes on doing what his radical marxist handlers tell him to do.
rexdutchman's Avatar
DPSTs have no concept of the Constitution and separation of church and state.
Because you cant have new world order / Great Reset ,with that damn constitution
Sorry, but I have to weigh in when I sense hypocrisy...again, I'm neither Dem or Rep, but GDI who prefers to think for himself. But how the hell does Trump holding up a Bible (I suspect for the first time in years) in front of a church after clearing streets indicate that he honors separation of church and state? If he'd held up the constitution, maybe OK, but Bible inappropriate and in my view likely hypocritical. I'm an atheist and don't give a shit, but the grandstanding was offensive to me in terms of separation of church and state.
  • oeb11
  • 08-14-2020, 12:45 PM
Separation of church and state is along held tenet of our system - Agreed.

The inauguration oath is sworn on a bible - Please note that.

Sinice you are offended - please write the White house a letter about it.

And - send a letter to the DNC about Biden - who"thinks islam should be taught in 'public' schools.
Let's not be hypocritical here. Quoting a recent tv release of 'Droolin'Joe .
I agree with you OEB on separation of church and state. Personally, I think the oath of office should be sworn on the constitution. Dont know if there is any constitutional requirement that it be on the Bible, but would be interesting to see how handled if an atiest, or say Hindu was elected. I'd be interested in reading the full transcript of Bidens remarks about teaching Islam if you could provide. From what I've been able to find, he was referring to teach more about Islam as well as other religions so that we have a better understanding of their commonality. My impression is that you are taking his remarks out of context; I'd be willing to reconsider if you can point me to the full speech.
  • oeb11
  • 08-14-2020, 01:16 PM
i saw the clip - believe it was Fox News.
it will be interesting to see if this "teach islam" or other religion in schools gets by the Teachers unions - if Trump proposed it - they would be splody heads in Outrage - but Biden maybe not at all.
Somehow I knew it was a "clip" from Fox that you "heard" or "wanted to hear". I couldn't find a transcript, but did find this clip, which doesn't seem to be edited: https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/biden...200055190.html

The key here is he doesn't say "teach Islam" but says "teach ABOUT Islam" and "other confessional religions". The idea was to focus on how much we (religions) have in common. How bad is that? I'm atheistic, but was an Eagle Scout (yes, I'm aware of the issues with scouting today, but great experience for me years ago) and they basically teach the same thing. Yes, Biden's a politician and was playing to the crowd as does Trump and every other politician, but please report his and others comments accurately.
HoeHummer's Avatar
i saw the clip - believe it was Fox News.
it will be interesting to see if this "teach islam" or other religion in schools gets by the Teachers unions - if Trump proposed it - they would be splody heads in Outrage - but Biden maybe not at all. Originally Posted by oeb11
Links to it, bub!

I think yous are fudging the truth again.

HoeHummer's Avatar
DPSTs have no concept of the Constitution and separation of church and state.
Because you cant have new world order / Great Reset ,with that damn constitution Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Right yous are, Rexsy!

Count me in as one who thinks they should be sworn in on the constitution, not the bible.

I guess they're too busy trashing the constitution to bother swearing on it anyway.

As far as religion goes, honor the separation of church and state and leave it out of the public schools. If you want your kid to learn a religion send them to a catholic school or a lutheran school or such....leave the public schools alone so the students can learn practical issues like math and reading and writing so they have some life skills instead of praying to some unresponsive god when shit goes bad.

No need for the "In god we trust" dogshit motto on the currency either. Clearly another violation of the separation of church and state. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Maybe times have changed since I was in public school. I don't remember classes in Christianity in public schools. We should not teach "about" any religion in public schools, period. The only teaching in schools "about" religion should be in Universities as elective courses on Comparative Religion which as an Agnostic, I find interesting.
Thank you sexykarma. I basically agree about the "In God We Trust", but willing to overlook as bespeaking the general teaching of religion. Personally, I think it's valuable to learn about religions (admittedly, I haven't to any great degree since I'm more interested in science) similarly to learning about French, English, Greek, Roman or other cultural history. We can learn by our mistakes, or if you're a hater, learn more about how the enemy thinks. Either way, knowledge is good. Personally, I distrust religion zealots (I might even expand that to any zealot) ...the phrase "Blinded by the Light" comes to mind. It especially galls me when the "righteous" become disrespectful toward those who disagree, all too common in today's politics. Again, directed at both sides, but if the shoe fits...
I should apologize. I got distracted and got off topic. I think the original topic was about Biden espousing teaching Islam as opposed to teaching ABOUT Islam, so could we please discuss that.