Sturgis rally...possible 100 case with more than 460K in attendance with no masks or social distancing...WTF this can't be!!

The condescending LSM was full of their self righteous indignation at the bikers in South Dakota exercising their liberties as FREE AMERICANS...HOW DARE THEY!! Possibly ONE CASE in approximately 4600 people!! HOW COULD THIS BE?? The dire consequences never materialized...WONDER WHY?? Not much news on the "peaceful protesters" and their violation of the "mask rules and social distancing rules...that is to be expected from the LSM.

CBS News Turns Covid-Karen on the Recent Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and it is Embarrassing

Looks like you cannot use the term ‘’super’’ — and barely even ‘’spreader’’ — with these numbers.

When the annual summer migration by motorcycle enthusiasts to Sturgis, South Dakota took place this month many in the press were aghast. More than 10 people were arriving, few were distancing, masks were scarce — it was a damned nightmare of liberty taking place! The people whose livelihoods have become hinged on getting Joe Biden elected, and thus extending our 2-week curve-bending lockdowns, were rubbing hands with expectant glee.

Well a fortnight later,and CBS News has arrived with their lecturing, hectoring report on the calamitous fallout from this disaster in the making. Based on the AP report, CBS was in full scorn mode, delivering all the drama and tremulous prose to intone just how tragic this event became.

The annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota drew hundreds of thousands of bikers to the small town earlier this month — despite coronavirus concerns. Now, about three weeks after the rally kicked off, the repercussions are starting to become clear.

Oh dear. This…this sounds dire! They ignored concerns! There were REPERCUSSIONS!!

While bikers ride in open air, the rally also attracts huge crowds of patrons to bars, stores and other businesses around Sturgis where coronavirus can spread more easily. Some safety measures, like sanitizing sidewalks, were put in place, but masks were not required.’’

Recall all of the promise of this gathering becoming a Super-Spreader event?! Recall the predictions this would generate widespread contamination across untold states, and that it would likely lead to creating another spike in cases, certain to generate the need for more lockdowns?!?! So tells us, just how many have come down with the dreaded virus? HOW – MANY?!?!

That total is…100.

Well…all right, that seems a little, a little bit high – right? Um, not enough to warrant such a condescending tone in reportage here. See, despite the pandemic, the warnings, and all of the cautionary reporting for the past few months, this year’s Sturgis Rally saw only a slight dip in attendance. After 10 days it was estimated that over 460,000 attended the event this year. Not far from half a million people road into town. That led to —


This translates to roughly one case of positive testing for every 4,600 people. Considering what takes place at this event I think it is safe to say there were more cases of chlamydia coming out of the festivities. But the press is going to try selling us on the concept that this was a devastating result. Just keep in mind, for months there has been ZERO concern over the numerous protests that have happened. Try to imagine going up to a reporter and telling them that a protest with 5,000 people had led to 2 cases of Covid being spread. They would look at you with the same dead-eyed expression they have when the latest positive jobs report is released.

And speaking of the press ignoring how protests helped spread the virus, to lend some perspective there was a quaint little story out of Miami. The Chief Of Police there reported that after his department had been tested they had a period with no cases. Then the protests which erupted across the nation were realized in Miami as well. Following his need to employ protest response teams his department then contracted 31 cases of coronavirus.

Miami’s protests lasted for only a matter of days, and involved crowd sizes that were a fraction of the Sturgis population this month. Still, emerging from that small cluster you had one third of the amount of cases seen from the bikers. And this was only at one protest. Factor in all the other cities which held far larger gatherings, and you can see where the media’s desire to overlook that contribution to the pandemic can be a major dose of malpractice.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Where did yous find this piece of vraiment, eh? How about some attributions, beebsy.

Sounds like the numbers are a wee bit inconsistent.

I gives it one star!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Where did yous find this piece of vraiment, eh? How about some attributions, beebsy.

Sounds like the numbers are a wee bit inconsistent.

I gives it one star!
Originally Posted by HoeHummer
it's 3 stars now. hows did that happen?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Where did yous find this piece of vraiment, eh? How about some attributions, beebsy.

Sounds like the numbers are a wee bit inconsistent.

I gives it one star!
Originally Posted by HoeHummer
well now! it's 4 stars! since only democrats can vote twice .. hows did this happens??

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hoeshit. don't get snippy over it. lol.
Lapdog's Avatar
Beginning next year, what few survivors are still around are going to rename it the "Stooges Rally"
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Beginning next year, what few survivors are still around are going to rename it the "Stooges Rally" Originally Posted by Lapdog
That was funny. You're probably right about that. Anybody who attends any kind of rally now is a complete fool.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It's difficult to assess whether or not the coronavirus infected a few or many of the attendees at the Sturgis rally. The 450,000 or whatever the number may be have scattered all over the U.S. by now. An estimated 61% of the counties in the country have been visited by someone who was at Sturgis. How do you effectively track that?

But events like Sturgis concern health experts, who see infections spreading without regard to city and state boundaries. Without a nationally-coordinated testing and tracing system, containing infections in a scenario like Sturgis is “almost impossible,” said Dr. Howard Koh, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health who worked at the Department of Health and Human Services under former President Barack Obama.

“We would need a finely orchestrated national system and we are far from that,” he said. “We are really witnessing a 50-state effort with all of them going in different directions right now.”

Kris Ehresmann, infectious disease director at the Minnesota Department of Health, on Friday advised people to quarantine for two weeks if they attended the rally.

She said, “We’re expecting that we’re going to see many more cases associated with Sturgis.”
That was funny. You're probably right about that. Anybody who attends any kind of rally now is a complete fool. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
It's called "life." Stop panicking. The virus is fatal mainly to old people and those with comorbidities...which I'm saying describes a lot of Sturgis attendees.

It's still kindof a free country. Let's see what happens. I wonder if those trackers are working on Sturgis folks and the folks in Wisconsin.
Budman's Avatar
There would be zero concern if they had just renamed it a protest. We all know that the virus cannot spread when you are looting, vandalizing and setting fires.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Who knows if those 100 would’ve tested positive without the rally. Those numbers are WAY lower than what you’d expect just testing random, asymptotic people. Also, the tests are shit and a lousy indicator if you’ve even been exposed to wuflu. They make it clear when you get a positive result that you may or may not have this particular bug, and it could just as easily be from having the common cold years ago.
Lapdog's Avatar
Asymptotic? Hey Einstein, if you're going to use big words to impress, at least try to use them correctly, mmmkay?
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2020, 08:55 AM
It's difficult to assess whether or not the coronavirus infected a few or many of the attendees at the Sturgis rally. The 450,000 or whatever the number may be have scattered all over the U.S. by now. An estimated 61% of the counties in the country have been visited by someone who was at Sturgis. How do you effectively track that?

But events like Sturgis concern health experts, who see infections spreading without regard to city and state boundaries. Without a nationally-coordinated testing and tracing system, containing infections in a scenario like Sturgis is “almost impossible,” said Dr. Howard Koh, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health who worked at the Department of Health and Human Services under former President Barack Obama.

“We would need a finely orchestrated national system and we are far from that,” he said. “We are really witnessing a 50-state effort with all of them going in different directions right now.”

Kris Ehresmann, infectious disease director at the Minnesota Department of Health, on Friday advised people to quarantine for two weeks if they attended the rally.

She said, “We’re expecting that we’re going to see many more cases associated with Sturgis.” Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

it is not really about the Coronavirus for teh DPST 's and LSM - it is about Control of the people - and imposition of a Marxist autocracy - with the DPST'sa and LSM as nomenklatura.

Absolute, ironclad - total control - abolition of our Cosntitution and rights - and impsotion of a Stalinsit regime even mao and kim would envy - that is harris aim and that of the marxist DPST party and their terrorist pets - OBLM and antFa.

Vote Biden at your own risk - it is a vote for enabling a Marxist violent revolution.
Regardless of teh outcome - DPST's make it clear they plan to take the oval office - by force/coup if necessary - under the pretense that Trump won't leave the oval office- ever,

Civil War is coming - Nov 4 - best be prepared.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Asymptotic? Hey Einstein, if you're going to use big words to impress, at least try to use them correctly, mmmkay? Originally Posted by Lapdog
Lol. A rogue autocomplete is all you’ve got?