Showcase info

oldmarine's Avatar
What happened to the showcases? Rates and specials are not there anymore. I know providers cannot post rates in their ads but is was okay in the showcases. Have the rules changed? I have premium access but cannot see the info that used to be there.
Can you give an example of a show case your having a problem with? I have looked at a number of them with no issues
Crooks & Castles's Avatar
Can you give an example of a show case your having a problem with? I have looked at a number of them with no issues Originally Posted by Bubba3452
I am having the same issue as well. Last week I was able to see the providers rates when you click on "showcase" and now I cannot see the rates. Did something change??

pmdelites's Avatar
i was just getting ready to ask the same question.

i've looked at several tonite and didnt see rates.

like these
melissa lane
sweet treat
grace milana

[sounded using one of those ripley's believe it or not kinda voices...]
coincidence or rational explanation?
you be the judge...
Guest042715's Avatar
Ditto here. Its almost like i lost my PA. Showcases aint showing nutin ???
oldmarine's Avatar
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 03-21-2012, 06:08 AM
I am having the same issue as well. All I can see is Basic, Profile and Reviews.
869103's Avatar
Same here, I have lifetime PA membership and see no info in showcase?
Wow I just looked and I cant even see my own rates or current specials.
Wow I just looked and I cant even see my own rates or current specials. Originally Posted by chelsea simms
Chelsea, IMO, your showcase tells me all I need to know.....GREAT pics of a beautiful babe (that would be you, of course) plus the info tidbit; Favorite Holiday: "your birthday"......

.....which you need to be back home in Dallas by the time that rolls around so we can celebrate that day properly. Know what I mean?
Same problem, was the issue resolved for anyone?
shortguy's Avatar
good, i was freaking out thinking that it was a new policy. I just forked over for a whole year only because i found out rates were displayed in showcases for premium members. It's just a glitch RIGHT?
Same for me...?...
The question now becomes why haven't we heard from someone? Even if only to say, yes we recognize the issue or it is a new policy. Something.
daddyo67's Avatar
This site is almost useless without that info. I know I will never pay for premium access without it again! that just makes p411 more important!