BP ads with social media link

I saw about 6-7 ads that had a social media link posted at the bottom. I wonder if BP is making providers do that.
Most of them link to nothing. At least the ones that I've found.
  • 93phl
  • 09-24-2017, 12:11 PM
I agree about It being a BP option. They all appear in the same format, so likely formatted by BP. At first I thought it was all coming from the same poster - and that they were fakes. But there are several from legit providers.
bolaman1975's Avatar
What happened to BP?.....There aren't that many ads...no additional ads.
The social media thing is what bp forces new posters to do now. Asked a provided the other day and she actually walked me through herself posting an ad and ibsaw it first hand. They also charge everyone now as well. Let's you know that there's an actual poster now at least and we'll see less false ads.
Not that I'm doubting thurman's first hand assessment, but I find it hard to believe that most of the dozens and dozens of the ads posted daily are legit. They may be paying to post an ad, but only as click-bait IMO.
  • Dlh
  • 09-27-2017, 11:43 AM
I was told the other day by a pro. That they do want cc or payment info....

This is a good point. SA can charge so backpage will... thats why you dont pay top dollar for or overpay a pro. Cuz they will expect it from others... if no 1 paid over 200hr. Then the going rate would not be more... imo..
JPran2011's Avatar
How many girls on BP have CC's? Or bank accounts for that matter? Lol
How many girls on BP have CC's? Or bank accounts for that matter? Lol Originally Posted by JPran2011
The two I know use prepaid cards. I bought one for one of them to use it on bp for her ad.
NikkiLuv92's Avatar
ya they are trying to stop advertising on there completely by charging to post any kind of ad and Requiring a social media link . which there is ways around that to by making a provider fb or fake fb account. oh well good thing i do not use that site anymore.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
credit cards aint allowed anymore tho? thought it had to be bitcoin and shit.
Tompgh's Avatar
I travel a lot for work and the trend in larger cities (NYC, Chicago, Boston, etc) was for the legitimate providers to provide links to their tumblr or instagram accounts where they post a lot of photos and videos proving they are real. I have not had a single issue with any such providers - zero bait and switch and have gotten to the point that I don't reply unless they have a legitimate website, Tumblr or Instagram account. The same never really caught on in Pittsburgh and smaller cities. This new rule is ruining things as these bait and switch whores are now simply setting up fake accounts that match their fake ads.

I'm sure the idea was to limit the number of fake ads, but all they did was make it harder to weed out the legitimate ads.