Hello Everyone!

ClaireBarsett's Avatar
It's been a while since I've posted on Eccie, I'm still active as an escort, and still working hard! Sadly the conversation here on Eccie isn't really capturing my attention and I'd rather say nothing than something pointless.

I'm here today to announce that I am looking to purchase a Mini Van from someone possibly from this site. My current car is a stones throw away from being in the junk yard. The main problem with my current car, is the engine. I've been doing everything in my power to keep that bad boy up and running, but the "duct tape" is finally starting to peel and I'm afraid that my car doesn't have much longer. I've got three kids, so I'm more interested in something bigger than a two door. But I appreciate anyone who reads this and even considers offering to sell me their car.

I'm not looking for a hand out, I will pay cash, in full or preferably, in small payments in order to rent to own said mini van. I'm going to continue to look around, but dealerships, even privately owned ones, make me nervous. If I can meet with someone face to face, another "human" verses someone just trying to spin a quick buck off of me, that would be awesome. I'm not worried about the year or model, but a working AC is a musts, please, my boys suffer enough in the back seat of my current car.

I don't have any family down here, I'm from Texas. I really don't have anyone I can turn to for help in regards to this. So, fingers crossed, I don't get doubled crossed! I'm very serious about me not looking for a hand out either. Nothing in this world comes for free, and I'm not going to start asking now.

Comment here or message me private via this site or my email. I appreciate all the help I can get!

Thank you!
flanker1017's Avatar
Good luck, Claire.
ClaireBarsett's Avatar
Thank you, Flanker.