80's gamer guys and gals. You see this?

albundy's Avatar
Nintendo is putting out a "retro" NES console in November. It has 30 games built-in and is designed to be played on modern TVs.



A few shitty things about it that I noticed though:

1. It only comes with one controller. You'll have to pay for a second one separately.

2. Where in the FUCK is "Contra"?!? Also, "Tecmo Bowl" instead of the FAR superior "Tecmo Super Bowl"? Also, no "Mike Tyson" on "Punch Out." And a lot of "essential" games seem to be missing.

3. My biggest complaint: YOU CAN'T INSERT OLD GAME CARTS IN THIS THING!!! SHIT!!! It would be nice to dust off the old games and play them on the new console. Also, you can't use the "classic" controllers on this thing.

But, still, this is pretty cool. It'll be bad-ass to play some "Punch-Out", "Castlevania", "Zelda", "Mega Man 2", the "Mario Bros" games, etc. etc. in a convenient package instead of on my computer.

n0laARIES87's Avatar
Never played Contra myself, but gaming tales of its awesomeness have been heard far & wide(1 of my old buddies could recite that d@#n code in his sleep).
Oh I'm buy this damn thing. been looking at it for months and can't wait till november. Dr. Strange and nintendo!
I loved those games. I will probably buy this. At least you don't have to blow it when it gets dirty..lol
121270's Avatar
I liked track and field
Mysterydate023's Avatar
I must have been the only person on earth that played Gyromite, the game that came with the total package set (NES, Zapper, and Robbie). Also, there's no Duck Hunt. ��
Dorian Gray's Avatar
No. The biggest complaint is that the games that come pre-loaded is it. No mas! You can't download anymore. That's all ya get.